Page 57 of Acquisition

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For Gwen I had tried.

And look how well that turned out?

I shifted in my polished Oxfords as I waited next to the alter than had been set up at the center of the hedge maze. I tried to drown out the doubt.

What if she doesn’t show?

What if you can’t protect her?

What if she never loves you again?

The towering, lush green hedges stood as sentinels, guarding the path to my future. They were seventeen feet tall, perfectly trimmed, each leaf sharply cut and each hedge evenly grown, they were soldiers of nature aligned in military precision.

Now as the sun lit the gardens, and the guests filtered in, my heart rate started to tik up, the nerves settling in my blood stream.

Micah, leaned in, his question casual but loaded with significance. "You ready for this?"

The question echoed in the stillness of my mind, bouncing off the walls of my resolve. "I am," I replied, more to convince myself than him. My words felt hollow, not from doubt but from the sheer weight of their implications. Micah clapped a hand on my shoulder, a gesture of solidarity that I appreciated more than he could know.

“You’ve got this.”

Sebastian and Penny joined from a hidden section to the left, as if they walked straight in from a secret doorway. All the guests stood and curtseyed or bowed.

Penny took position next to Morgan in their pink hued dresses the color of hibiscus. On my side were Micah and Gavin. Pierce should have been up here too, but he was seated next to my mother who was beaming at me.

When I’d called her this morning and told her I had a surprise for her, I didn’t think she’d quite imagined this.

We took our places, the early rays of sun filtering through the maze, transforming the dew on the leaves into sparkling gems, then the sounds of Pachelbel's Canon filled the air —the soft, lilting melody that seemed to pull at the very threads of my soul.

The tiny prince and princess walked down the aisle hand in hand, their curls bouncing as they walked. The princess dutifully throwing rose petals. Her brother seemingly dissatisfied with his job as ring bearer also grabbed a handful to throw.

Ariel was quick to wrangle them at the end of the aisle and made sure I got the rings.

And then, there she was.

Gwen stepped into view, escorted by Lance and it was as if the world came to a halt. My breath caught, and I didn’t know how long I stood staring and not breathing.

Utter. Goddamn. Perfection.

Her deep brown skin glowed against the backdrop of lush greenery, illuminated by the sunlight that filtered through the branches above. Her dress, an embroidered lace V-neck metallic tulle gown, clung to her form, the lace strategically camouflaging, her pert breasts.

Her hair, styled in a half-up, half-down do, was a cascade of curls held loosely with pins, soft tendrils framing her face like a halo. The diamond tiara, a delicate piece borrowed from the queen, sparkled on top of her head, making her look every bit the queen I intended to make her.

As she walked toward me, every step bringing her closer to being mine forever. Her shaky smile was a vivid painting come to life, each detail a stroke of genius from some divine artist. Her eyes, wide and aware, met mine, and she filled all those dark parts of me with the light of her smile.

Step by step. Each one brought her to where she belonged. When she finally reached me, I couldn’t tear my gaze off of her as Lakewood handed her to me.

When she noticed the bandages wrapping my fingers, her brow furrowed slightly in concern. "What happened?" she asked softly, her voice a melody that resonated with the deepest fibers of my being.

"Every cut was worth it," I answered, my voice low and fervent, as I remembered the thorns among the blooms I had chosen for her bouquet. Each one reminding of a part of her personality. Sometimes thorny but always vivid and warm.

I barely heard the vows Sebastian had Gwen say. A recitation of promises that, while sincere, held a curtain of reservation. I listened, my heart hanging on every word, preparing to lay bare my own truths. When it was my turn, I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the ring in my pocket.

"I, Atticus, take you, Gwenyth, to be my lawfully wedded wife. But know this," I continued, my voice firm with the intensity of my emotions, "the depths of what I feel for you go so much further than love or possession. You carry a piece of my soul with you. Whether in this life or the next, that part of me will always be bonded to you, for eternity. I am yours."

Gwen’s eyes filled with tears as I spoke and I watched as she tried to battle back the tears. Sebastian didn’t even miss a beat at my detour from the traditional vows. He just kept right on going Until the I do’s.

He turned to me with a smirk and said. “You may now kiss your bride.”

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