Page 56 of Acquisition

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Cara blinked up at me then. "I think Miss Gwen is already a princess."

I couldn't really bend down properly in my dress, but I leaned down and stroked a hand over her hair. "Thank you, Princess Cara."

"Okay, bye."

And with that, the tension was broken as she skipped out. Lance looked me over. "I’ve got to tell you, Gwen, you have always been stunning. But now, you are a sight."

"God, I don't know if this is the right thing to do."

He took my hand. "Look, I know I haven't always been Atticus's champion, hell, I still don't like the guy. But all these years, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. That's it. You deserve that. After your mom died, a little part of you died with her. And then when you started your company, you started to be happy again that you were building something. And then Bronson happened, and I watched you completely shut off that part of yourself. But then you meet this guy just as I thought things would maybe be different between us."

Oh shit. This was not the way I thought this was going to go. "Lance…"

He shook his head. "Look, I wanted you, but I could see that you only looked at me like a friend. But you need someone in your corner. I don't love it, but if he can give you his protection, that's all I care about. So blink away the tears, and let's get you married, okay?"

I put my hand into the crook of his arm that he offered. "I love you. You know that, right?"

"I love you more."

And within five minutes, Lance was walking me into the Rose Garden of the King's Island palace. And in front of the new friends I had made, he walked me down the aisle. I couldn't believe it, but there were actually a few guests. I had no idea who they were, but it didn't even matter to me because my gaze was on Atticus standing between the king and Micah. He was so strikingly handsome in a way that slashed through any bullshit. His eyes on me were intense, never straying for a moment. And as I approached, I could see that little lift at the right corner of his mouth.

When the king asked who was giving away the bride, Lance proudly said, "I am." And then he handed me off to Atticus.

Atticus turned slightly in his direction, giving him a sharp nod, but his gaze never left mine. Then he took my hand, holding it tightly, clinging for dear life.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Of course, I am. Are you?"

"Yes. You clean up nice," I whispered.

His gaze swept over me. “You… obviously… same.”

"You know what, Atticus Price? You need to use your words a whole lot more often."

He gave me another one of my favorite smiles. This one was part cocky and partly his attempt to hide the full grin in case someone would actually see it.

And then we both turned to Sebastian.

Chapter 25


I had never given any thought to the day I’d get married. I didn’t think I’d be this nervous though. This morning after we’d signed the contract, I’d cut myself several times picking flowers for Gwen’s bouquet.

I should have been a wreck. But for the first time in two months I finally felt like I was on solid ground. The last two days had been a mad dash to get everything ready, from security, to photographers, to marriage licenses, to getting Lakewood here. To say he’d been less than pleased was an understatement.

That’s if she actually walks down the aisle.

The idea that she might not made me frown. If she didn’t show, I’d have to track her down and drag her back. And I was sure the queen would have some questions about why I was dragging my hogtied bride down the aisle.

I’d been floored when she suggested we get married. And while I’d been tempted to march her up to the palace for Sebastian to marry us right away, I wanted her sure. While she might think she was going back to our original business arrangement, once she was officially mine, she was going to have a bitch of a time ridding herself of me.

She would be mine. And this time, I was never going to let her walk away.

Even if she tries to run?

Well, I’d just have to make sure she didn’t try to run. I didn’t know a goddamn thing about being a husband. The only two people I’d ever cared enough about to try to communicate with were my mother and Micah.

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