Page 52 of Acquisition

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I ruthlessly squelched the flare of longing. That feeling on wanting this, needing this, had gotten me into trouble before. Keeping those feelings locked away would be the best thing for everyone.

“I hate that you think you always have to sacrifice yourself. For once we can take care of you. Maybe you could go somewhere. Hide.”

A ripple of unease passed over Morgan's features as she spoke, her eyes flickering with worry.

"Hiding won’t work, Morgan. And if I thought I could hide and you’d still be safe, I’d already be gone." I pressed my lips into a thin line, the weight of my decision settling heavily upon my shoulders. "It's a long story, but believe me when I say I can't keep running forever. Marrying Atticus is a strategic move." Even thought my heart was breaking and desperately wanted him. But that like was just for me.

Morgan reached out, her hand finding mine in a gesture of silent support. "But do you love him? Is this about love?"

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I shook my head, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. "No, Morgan. This isn't about love. Not this time. It's about survival."

Relief washed over Morgan's features as she squeezed my hand gently. "Okay, as long as you're sure. Just promise me you won't get caught up in all of this. Don't fall for him again."

Meeting her gaze, a sense of determination filled me. "Don't worry. I won't make that mistake twice."

As we stood amidst the beauty of the Winston Isles palace gardens, Morgan studied my face, her brown eyes filled with concern. "Gwen, I know this situation is complicated, but please don't do anything you'll regret. Rushing into a marriage of convenience may provide some temporary security, but it won't make you happy in the long run."

“This was never about love. And it isn’t now.”

Two hours later, the shadows of night wrapped around the palace like a cloak, soft and deep. The moon, a radiant beacon above, cast a shimmering path across the ocean, its silver light dancing on the gentle waves that lapped at the shores.

The air was filled with the mingling scents of salt from the ocean and the sweet, heady aroma of hibiscus blossoms that dotted the villa's lush gardens.

As I stepped out onto the terrace, the cool marble under my bare feet contrasted sharply with the warm breeze that brushed against my skin.

Above us, the palace grounds still hummed with the distant echoes of chatter, the remnants of the days planning for the wedding giving way to the quiet.

I thought I was the only one who needed a moment to think, but when I stepped out on to the balcony, Atticus was already there, his tall figure leaning against the railing that overlooked the ocean. Just like the first night we met.

The moonlight draped over him, highlighting the contours of his face and the solemn set of his shoulders. Even in silhouette, he exuded a presence that was hard to ignore, commanding yet strangely vulnerable in the quiet of the night.

"Gwen," he called softly as I approached, his voice all whiskey and softness.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

He gave me that brief almost there smile. "I hope we always do.” His whispered words were enough to make my stomach flip. He added softly, “Are you having second thoughts? It’s not too late to?—"

"No," I cut him off, firmer than I had intended, my voice slicing through the soft music of the night. "It's just business. A merger, that’s all." The words felt cold, impersonal, but necessary. A shield against the feelings I dared not acknowledge.

There was a time he’d seen me too clearly. If I wasn’t careful, he’d see past the carefully constructed shields. I needed to shore up those defenses if we were going to do this. I was never going to put myself in the position to be hurt like that again. Not by him. Not by anyone.

He turned to face me, his expression hidden by the shadows. There was a pause, heavy with things unsaid, and when he spoke, his voice carried a tinge of pain. "If that's the way you want it," he murmured. The hurt was evident in his winter-green gaze, yet he composed himself quickly. "But I've already told you, I'm not giving up on us. I'm going to win back your trust, Gwen."

My breath caught at the earnestness in his tone, and I turned away, unable to face the sincerity in his eyes.

Stay strong.

I looked out towards the ocean, seeking strength. in its vast, undisturbed beauty. "I've been thinking," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Maybe we should keep the marriage under wraps for now, draw your father out."

"My father?" The confusion in his voice was palpable, and he stepped closer, his presence imposing yet strangely comforting. The spark of electricity that was a constant between us, jumped to life.

"You think he’s the one trying to kill me," I continued, watching the play of moonlight on the water, letting its tranquility steel my nerves. "You’re sure it’s him?”

“He’s the only one who’s made open threats.”

“In that case, maybe you let him try to kill me.” He started to interrupt me, but I continued. “This marriage ensures your legacy, but puts your mother’s life at risk. What if there was a way to secure your legacy, protect her and still take away what he wants.”

“But what do you get out of this?”

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