Page 51 of Acquisition

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I laughed uncomfortably at that.

Penny shrugged. "What? I'm serious. You have to really, really want children. They're exhausting."

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, trying to get things back on track.

Atticus put a hand on my knee. "So far, the only thing I can think of is tracking down the shooter or shooters. It would be great if we could find them. And then some more men to guard us while we're here. We'll head back to New York shortly."

Sebastian nodded. "Are you already in touch with Blake Security to supplement your regular security when you're back in the city?"

Atticus nodded. "Yes. I thought it was the safest route. And then there's just one more thing I need."

"What's that?" Penny asked.

And then he said the last thing I expected him to say.

"Someone to officiate my wedding to Gwen."

Chapter 23


Are you sure you’re doing the right thing?

That was a hell of a question. Short answer no. I wasn’t sure of anything, make that hardly anything.

I was sure that Atticus was telling me the truth and that he would protect me with everything he had.

I had my own people to keep safe. In the span of a week, someone had tried to shove me on tracks, give me anaphylaxis, and shoot me.

Who the hell hated me that much? I’d never done anything to anyone in my life. Hell, I’d barely lived. So far Atticus had been there or managed to save me from whatever meant to do me harm.

Would I have fared better on my own? If I decided to go it alone, would Morgan, Lance or Clarissa get caught in the crosshairs? I didn’t know the answers to those questions. And I’d rather not find out the hard way.

But how are you going to protect your heart? He would break me this time. I would never recover.

Wasn’t that the question of the hour. I’d made it clear it was in name only. I couldn't keep falling into bed with him. I believed him when he said he’d had an impossible choice.

And this time he’d actually asked for my forgiveness. But I didn’t think that wound would ever scab over.

Not to mention marrying him might open another can of worms.

With a sigh, I took a moment to drink in the beauty of our surroundings, the delicate petals of a nearby rose catching the golden rays of the sun.

The vibrant colors of the palace gardens, the vivid blues, reds and purples of the countless exotic flowers, seemed to shimmer under the gentle touch of sunlight. The scent of frangipani was thick in the air, mingling with the salty tang of the sea breeze that drifted in from the distant coast. I'd always found solace here amongst the manicured lawns and winding pathways, but today, even nature's finest could not quiet my internal storm.

“Gwen, when we talked this week, you didn’t give me any indication you were even considering getting back together.”

"I know," I finally replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I just... I need time, Morgan. Time to sort through everything that's happened, time to understand where we stand. But there are literally people shooting at us."

“All the more reason to think this through. This isn’t you. You’re the careful one. You're the one who takes her time. Unless you’re doing this because you think it will protect us.”

I said nothing and just kept walking.

She hurried behind me, her sandals making a soft shuffling sound. “That’s what you think? I love you more than you know, but girl, you have got to stop falling on the proverbial sword for me. Unless that sword is actually a dick, and in that case don’t tell me.”

I couldn’t help the snort of laughter. "It's not just about me, Morgan. It's about taking control of my life. People are coming for me, and I need to protect myself. But yes, you and Lance factor in too." My belly flip-flopped like it had when Pierre had been tearing through the London streets. “You guys matter to me. If someone is trying to hurt me, you could get caught in the crossfire. I’m bargaining myself for the largest human shield I can find.”

And you miss him.

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