Page 48 of Acquisition

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“I got my men and we removed all incriminating evidence. We shouldn’t have done it. But I know she didn’t do it. She’s not capable. He would destroy her. He poisoned her for years. I couldn’t let him send her to jail.” I blinked away the tears stinging my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “You had my heart, but I had to protect her. Make up for the fact that I couldn’t protect her all these years. I couldn’t abandon her.”

Her hand slid into mine. “I know. I understand. Neither one of us wanted this, but we need to get married.”

My heart jolted to life. “If you?—”

“In name only,” she added softly. ”It at least neutralizes your father. If it is him trying to hurt me.”

“Gwen. I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to. Besides, he’s going to go after my mother. You don’t?—”

When she lifted her gaze to mine, I saw a remnant of the woman she used to be. My Ness. “I do. You’re worried about him. So worried, you’ve moved your mother. Besides, as much as I don’t like it, I might be safer with you than anywhere else. But this time, you’re going to see it through.”

Twenty minutes later, we were in the main reception room at the palace. I gathered it was where the family hung out the most. It looked the most lived in, full of big comfy couches, not swirly, old-world, uncomfortable furniture. It looked modern and lived in and loved. There was the sound of children’s squeals as the king and queen's curly-headed, russet-skinned children tore through the place.

The girl, the taller of the two, running to Ariel and wrapped her arms around her leg, and Ariel pretended to have to drag her along for several feet and then fake-fell down and died dramatically.

A little boy came tumbling over and poked Ariel in the head. "Auntie Ariel, are you okay?"

Ariel didn't move, and the girl glanced up, concerned. "Auntie Ariel?"

She crawled up Ariel's body, and both of them shook their aunt nervously. Ariel raised herself from the dead, grabbed them both, and tickled them until they squealed.

Next to me, I saw the grin on Gwen's face as she watched the scene in front of her, and I couldn't help wondering if Gwen even wanted children. Children with me?

The problem with that thought was the moment it was in my head I couldn't let it go. I wanted her, kids, the whole thing. She'd make our life like this. One with laughter. It wouldn't have to be cold like the childhood I'd grown up with. Everybody would laugh. And I knew that no matter what, Gwen was meant for me. Now all I had to do was convince her and keep her alive long enough for her to realize that.

Chapter 22


I wasn’t sure what I’d expected from a king and queen.Maybe snooty, aristocratic upper class with posh accents, but Penny and Sebastian were not that.

They tumbled into the sitting room, Sebastian with his hand on Penny's ass.

She wore jeans and a T-shirt with paint spatters on the hem.

When she saw the shenanigans happening on the floor with Ariel and the children, she rolled her eyes. "Oh my God, Ariel, if you're going to tickle them, at least pick them up and dangle them first. It really makes it much easier. But you’re pregnant. Have Sebastian do it."

Sebastian laughed. "Happy to demonstrate."

Penny's eyes landed on me and Atticus as she halted. "Oh, sorry. Did we disturb you guys? The howling can probably be heard through the palace."

I grinned. "No, not at all."

Sebastian and his wife joined us and shook hands like completely normal people. I thought for a moment I should curtsy or something, but Atticus didn't bow, so I didn't bother either.

Ariel didn't even get up from where the children had now piled on top of her and were tickling her as she howled about how she had to pee.

Penny took my hands. "I'm so sorry about your ordeal in London. We assure you, you’ll be safe here. I'm glad you were able to come here and get settled though. How are your nerves?"

"Um, honestly, I've been a little shaky." I was riding an adrenaline wave. Sooner or later I was going to crash…hard.

Sebastian nodded. "That's normal. Were you able to eat something this morning?"

I nodded. "The beignets were so good, and the freshly squeezed juice too."

"Chef is amazing. And honestly, she loves nothing more than to spoil visitors and children."

The children, as if they’d heard their favorite person mentioned, immediately demanded hot chocolate.

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