Page 37 of Acquisition

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And as we made a left, something bumped us in the back.

Pierre frowned, and Atticus's grip on my hand tightened as he murmured, "Protocol one."

Then suddenly, Pierre sped up, bypassing a restaurant that was completely empty yet fully lit. It had several black cars outside of it.

I looked back at the restaurant, and suddenly, swarms of people ran inside from the cars. "Is that where we're going?"

Atticus muttered, "No."

And then something cracked against the glass like a rock.

"Atticus?" I asked in alarm.

"Fuck," Atticus said.

Though his grip on the steering wheel was calm, I could see Pierre’s jaw twitch. Something was happening. This was bad. There was another crack at the glass on my side.

Pierre called back, "Make sure your seatbelts are on. We're going to protocol five."

Atticus only nodded, checked his belt, checked mine too, and then reached for something at my shoulder, pulling a secondary belt over my shoulder again. "Just for precaution."

Then my teeth started to rattle as Pierre took the car down the stairs. The rough bumping and the way I had to clench my jaw made me squeal.

Atticus's hand shifted from my hand to my knee and pressed hard. Something pinged against the body of the car on my side and on the back windshield. We landed with a sharp thud, and then Pierre whipped the car around, making a sharp left, going down a narrow alleyway and hitting several motorbikes. He made another sharp right, then a left, and then we were speeding down the A302.

Suddenly he looped the car into a compound with massively high walls and razor-sharp barbed wire atop them.

As soon as he pulled into the darkness, a massive steel gate slammed shut behind us, and he pulled into a darkened alcove of some sort.

"Is this a garage? Where are we?"

Pierre let go of the steering wheel, his gaze looking back to us. "Everyone all right?"

Atticus's voice was icy but calm when he spoke. "Yes, I think we're fine." His gaze roved over me, his hands doing a quick assessment of my face, my shoulders, my body. "Get Jax on the fucking phone."

"Not a problem. He and the rest of the Royal Elite team are already on their way to the palace with the king and queen. We are to meet them there. We just need to switch cars, and then we'll take the tunnel to the palace."

My gaze ping-ponged between Pierre and Atticus. "What the hell just happened?" I asked.

Atticus sighed. "What happened was, someone just tried to kill you. Again. And it’s my fucking fault."

Chapter 18


Someone had tried to kill me last night. Again.

And my ex-fiancé was convinced it was his fault.

I needed a moment to think, to breathe to process. But now was not the best time to tell my best friend. He would worry. Worse, he’d call New York and worry my stepmother, Clarissa.

It was bad enough he was just worried about be being with Atticus. Lance took a long look at me. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I guess so."

"Tell your sister I said hi."

I laughed. "You know she's just going to flip you off."

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