Page 30 of Acquisition

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"The King wants us to demo the software’s security applications. Hell, it’s not even quite ready. There are pieces that are still so buggy.”

There was a pause on her end, and then she said, "Gwen, you need to do what's best for you. If you don't want to go, don't go."

"But if I don't go…" The sentence hung unfinished in the air between us.

"I know." She sounded tired now. "But remember Gwen, sometimes talking can heal too. And it won't break you, Gwen," Morgan said with conviction. "Not any more than you are already feeling broken."

"I know…" I whispered, but the truth was, I didn't know. I was lost, trying to navigate through a fog of hurt and confusion.

“Listen, Gwen,” Morgan began again, her voice softer now. “Yes, Atticus hurt you. And I swear if I ever see him again, I will punch him straight in the face for that. But you have a chance here. A chance to face it head on and maybe… maybe find closure."

I let out a humorless laugh at that. Closure. What a nice word that held so much promise. But how could there be closure when there were so many loose ends still left untied?

"Promise me something." Morgan's voice broke through my thoughts.


"Promise me that whatever choice you make about the Winston Isles, it will be because it is what's best for you."

How could I promise her that when even I didn't know what was best for me? "I'll try."

"That's all I ask for.” There was a pause before she added warmly, “And remember to take care of yourself too.”

"Thank you, Morgan," I said, truly grateful for her understanding and support. I wiped away my tears. “I thought I was supposed to be the big sister.”

“Well, until you come to your senses or we murder him, I’ll hold the big sis crown for you. Love you, G.”

After hanging up I leaned back onto my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as the early morning silence settled around me.

Was I getting on that flight or not?

Chapter 14


I did not, in fact, get on the flight to the Winston Isles, even though I’d packed a bag.

I was glad I’d called Morgan. She might have been my little sister, but she’d given me some solid advice. I’d had the advantage for two whole months without seeing him.

Oh, but you felt him, didn't you?

Not the point. The point was, I had gone two glorious months with no Atticus.

But you missed him.

Again, not the point. But now, every time I turned around, I saw reminders of him. The moment I walked into the office, I saw Gavin in the lobby. He gave me a grin and then a nod of his head as if we were pals.

I scowled at him wrinkling my nose.

He just grinned.

As I was getting on the elevator, there was Micah. He got a genuine grin because I did actually enjoy Micah.

But they were just reminders of Atticus. It was like they were there to torment me. For the last two months, I'd been quietly doing my thing. Getting our releases out and making sure the algorithm was all it could be.

I hit my limit when I walked into my office on the third floor and found Atticus sitting at my desk.

I stopped, frowning at him. "What are you doing here?"

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