Page 28 of Acquisition

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"Yes, maybe."

"Fuck you, Atticus."

"My, my, what a dirty mouth you have. I have all kinds of ways we can occupy it if you want."

Oh shit. Panties down. Panties down.

Stay strong.

"If you feel safe enough putting your dick and your balls anywhere near my mouth, then feel free. Go ahead, I dare you." To enunciate my point, I snapped my teeth together and merrily watched as he blanched.

He shook his head slowly, but that smirk, that tilting up at the corner of his lips told me he knew better. “You’re terrifying, but also, there is something very hot about you threatening me.”

“You are so unserious. I’m trying to have a real conversation with you."

“You want serious? Fine. Pack your bags. We’re leaving London.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you for the hundredth time.”

“Not even for the King of the Winston Isles? He wants a demonstration of the Security applications of the Sword and the Stone software. You’re the best person to do a demo. Added benefit, a side trip gets you out of harm’s way.”

The mention of the software had me slowing down and listening. “You’re serious?”

“I’m an asshole, but I’m not a liar.”

“When does he want to see it? I could maybe be ready in a week.”

"Well, the flight is tomorrow at six a.m."

"What? I can’t, for starters, you can’t tell a black woman she’s off to meet royalty with no prep time. I need to sort out a hair appointment at the very least."

He shook his head. "You can do that there. I’m sure the queen will be more than happy to help you find something."

Say what now? "Excuse me? You want me to meet the king and queen of the Winston Isles with fuzzy braids?"

"You look great. No one’s going to notice.”

“Why would I expect you to understand? I at least need an extra day, I can have Lance help take out my braids and get it done tomorrow. I also need to run a sim and figure out what I can show them that’s working right now. We’ve still got bugs on the latest release.”

"We’ll figure it out when we get there. Six a.m. You’re leaving London, and I'll be going with you."

"You’re not listening," I insisted.

"I am. You’re coming up with excuses why you can’t leave with me tomorrow and I’m telling you we’re leaving. Whatever you need I’ll make sure you have it, but we leave tomorrow."

Yes, I was looking for reasons not to go with him, but I did need to sort out my hair. Imagine meeting the king and queen with knotless braids that had started going fuzzy. "I'm not sleeping with you again."

"Like I said, I don't deserve you yet. Tomorrow at six. Be ready."

He had me. He knew he had me. If we had a customer already signed on to use The Sword and the Stone, it solidified my team’s place in the Pendragon organization. I lifted my chin and squared my shoulders. "Six you say?"

"The flight is at six in the morning. We'll leave here at five-thirty."

"Fine, but no funny business, Price."

"I wouldn't dream of it,” he smirked. ”Unless you beg, of course."

Chapter 13

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