Page 27 of Acquisition

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I blinked at him slowly. Had he hit his head? "I don't want you."

He chuckled softly. " I know that’s not true, but I understand that I have a lot to make up for."

What in the Twilight Zone? "You don't need to make up anything to me because I'm not going to be with you. I shouldn’t have slept with you. That was an error in judgment. Won’t happen again"

"Yes, it will,” he insisted. "Stop being so stubborn. I thought a couple of nights to think things over would help you see things more clearly."

I rolled my eyes. "All a night of rest had me see was that you're a lunatic."

He clutched a hand to his chest. "You wound me. Also, I don't care."

"You can't make me be with you. Or whatever it is you’re proposing. I’m not going to let you follow me around ‘protecting’ me either."

“Call it guarding your body if you must,” he said with a mischievous grin and I almost lost my shit. The laugh was right there, at the corner of my lips, ready to betray me.

“What do I need to do to get you to go away. We’re done. By your own doing.”

"On the contrary. I never dissolved the contract. We’re not done."

What the hell? I stared at him and dropped my bag to the floor. I would physically fight him if I had to. Not that I even really knew how to make a fist. My mother’s attempts to make me learn a martial art as a kid had failed miserably.

Sure. Is that what we're going to call it? Fighting? Naked fighting.

"There's no damn way. You don't just get to march back into my life and act like everything is okay. I swear to God, I will beat the shit out of you."

"Now you're just talking dirty to me, Ness."

"Screw you, Atticus!"

"We can get that out of the way if you'd like. But right now, I'd be very concerned about my balls. Besides, I haven't earned you back yet."

"Earned me?" I shook my head. "What do you mean earned? You can't earn me back because we are never getting married. The other day was a mistake, and I was clearly emotionally distraught."

"Our previous contract states we are going to be married before my thirtieth birthday. By August. It's almost the end of June, so you’d better get used to the idea. Get on board."

"Absolutely not,” I flatly refused.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I don't want to marry you, Atticus."

"Explain to me how this is any different than it was before, Gwen."

I blinked at him slowly. He was dead serious. "What do you mean? I didn't want to marry you, but it was the best course of action for Morgan so she wouldn't have to marry you. And then you… You made me?—"

He pushed away from his desk and stalked over to me. "Go on. I made you what?"

"You know what." I started to speak and then cut myself off and shook my head.

"Say it." He pitched his voice low to that timbre I found impossible to resist when he commanded me.

I steeled my spine. Never mind that throb between my thighs. I wasn’t backing down. "No, I won't."

"Fine. I'll say it for you. I made you care about me."

"Like an asshole."

"Yes, like an asshole. I deserve that. But here's the thing… I started to fall for you from the moment I saw you on that balcony. I sent you away. And I would have stayed away, but for that one taste. I was a fool to think I would survive not seeing you. I was doing the best I could in the moment, but maybe I shouldn’t have sent you away."


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