Page 24 of Acquisition

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"Someone tried to kill you the other day, Gwen. And if I’m being honest, I think they tried yesterday too.” He got into my space again, and this time, I caved. It wasn't my fault. I missed him. But that one whiff that I needed cost me. Because the scent of sandalwood wrapped around me, and God help me, I might have given a little moan of pleasure.

"And you were miraculously there? Both times.”

He pursed his lips. "You’ve had men on you for months.

"I didn't even know they were there."

"I know. They'd be pretty useless if you were aware."

"So you destroyed me, and then you stalked me like a psychopath?"

He licked his lips. "Psychopath is a strong word. But for lack of a better word, yes. I—I was wrong. Letting you go was a mistake."

I blinked at him, slowly. Then again. A mistake? "What is wrong with you?"

"The same thing that’s been wrong with me since the moment I stepped onto that balcony."

Chapter 11


I did love when things were predictable.

Later that night, there was a pounding on my door.

Gavin and his team had men on the lobby. Anyone who made it up this far was approved. Which meant it was likely Lakewood.

Scotch in hand, I went to open the door, and there he was. “I’ve been expecting you.”

"You're an asshole, Price."

"I wish I could say it was nice to see you." I turned my back on him, as I raised my glass. "I should offer you one, but since you're here to tell me I'm a piece of shit, maybe not."

"You should have just left her alone. She was getting better."

"Is that what you call it? The screaming nightmares that I'm sure you are more than willing to comfort her through. You call that getting better? All she does is work. I should know. I’ve kept tabs on her. All she has done is shrivel back up into her hole. I sent her to you. You were supposed to heal her."

"You fucking broke her," he roared as he jabbed his finger into my chest.

I was really getting tired of people jabbing me in the chest. "You left her alone?"

"Of course, not. One of your goons is outside the door, gooning, or whatever the fuck it is he's doing. Why are you here? You could have just given her another month. One more month and she?—"

I cocked my head. "What? You think she'll think of you differently? She won't."

"That's not what I thought,” he denied. “Contrary to what you think, I care about her."

"You know you don't actually want her, right?"

He stumbled back as if I'd slapped him. "Fuck you, Price."

"No, you think you do because she is beautiful, and there's a spirit about her that gathers everyone to her. And you know that with her in your life, how could everything not work out? That's her. She makes you feel like someone gives a shit about you, even when you know they shouldn't."

He rubbed his jaw. "You should have just left her alone.”

“I’m sorry, but I can't. Things have changed."

"Oh, you mean that someone's trying to kill her? Fucking hell, Price, have you considered that this is on you? Before she met you, none of this would have happened. Gwen was living her life. She was happy."

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