Page 18 of Acquisition

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I smirked then. "See, that's the thing, McIntyre. I know all about the stalking charges filed by the last two women you went on a date with and followed around. I have surveillance footage of you following them and records of you sending them text messages and emails from your work phone and computer. I don't think you're going to sue me at all. I also think you're going to leave those women alone because that kind of behavior is just rude."

Gavin eased back, and I nodded, indicating for him to let McIntyre go.Craig fell to his knees again and sputtered. "You… you planted that."

"Oh, please. Those wilted dick pics? If that was my dick, honestly, I wouldn't send that to anyone."

Micah snorted a laugh. My idiot brother could turn anything into a joke.

"You don't know anything."

"Yes, I do know. I also know about that little insider trading gig that you have where you tell your brother what shares to buy and sell. At least I think he’s your brother. Could be a cousin. Or is he a brother-cousin, one of those where, you know, your mom married your grandfather? It's confusing."

Now Gavin was laughing, too.

McIntyre spat blood. "Fuck you."

"I know you'd like to, but it's not going to happen. You’re not my type. What is going to happen is this; you're going to leave quietly. No, wait. First, you're going to go out there and pay the bill. I mean, Gwen already handled that because you vanished on her. But you're going to go back out there and tell the waitress that the money Gwen left is her tip, and then you're going to pay the bill and double the tip as well. Then you're going to skedaddle, go back to the office, get all of your things, and leave. That's what you're going to do because you are fired."

He glowered up at me. "Everyone says you're a ruthless asshole."

I grinned. "Everyone would be right. Now, I know it goes without saying, but you are never to look at Gwen or think about her ever again. If you so much as breathe in the same vicinity as her from less than a hundred and fifty feet, I will have a protection order on you so fast your head will spin."

He scowled. "I swear, she was coming onto?—"

This time it was Micah who hit him, and McIntyre sprawled out on the bathroom floor. My brows lifted, and I stared at my brother. Micah shrugged and adjusted his vest, very careful not to get any blood on his clothes. He did frown at his knuckles though. "Ugh, that’s going to make my fingers purple for a day or two."

Gavin pouted from the corner. "Wait, I didn't get to hit him. All I got to do was choke him. I want to hit him, too."

I shook my head. "You will kill him. No more hitting the asshole."

Gavin crossed his arms. "That’s no fair. You guys got to hit him."

Micah laughed. "It was rather satisfying."

I stared at my brother. "Why did you hit him?"

"First, he was arguing with you, and it’s a little brother's prerogative. Second, he was lying about Gwen. She has better taste than that. So he deserved it, even though you hurt her and I'm still mad at you for that."

He had a point. "Believe me. I know. I’m working on it."

And by working on it, do you mean fucking her in her office or…

I hadn’t slept a wink last night. I kept replaying every second of what happened from the moment I saw her until the moment she walked away from me at the station.

If I closed my eyes, I could still smell the scent of the jasmine in her perfume. I could hear her breathy little pants as I fucked her. I could feel the pinpricks of her nails on my shoulders as I pulled her hair.

But mostly, I was focused on how one kiss had filled that empty well in my heart. Mended that broken piece of my heart I’d been dragging behind me for two months.

I’d missed her. Of course I knew that on an intellectual level, but I had missed her in that deep place where most men had a soul. When I was with her, that part of me didn’t feel like a deep dark cavern. She filled it with light, and promise and hope.

One kiss hadn’t been enough to fill it, but it had added just enough light to make me crave more. Need it. Hunger for it.

And I was worried now, the craving would only get worse. There was no quenching this.

Chapter 9


As I waited for Craig, a prickle of awareness hit me. Like I was being watched. But the more I looked around, the more I noticed the diners just minding their business.

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