Page 114 of Acquisition

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"Please? You are in a world of trouble. I'll show you pleasure."

"You can show me upstairs," she said as she shimmied her underwear back up her legs.

"Are we even going to make it that far?" I eyed the expanse of her legs as my cock twitched again, and I groaned. "Fuck." I dragged my eyes away from her skin. If I kept staring, Gavin was going to know exactly what we were doing back here. Hell, he might already know. Normally, I pressed the alert button in the back of the limo to let Gavin know I was ready to be let out. Since we’d been sitting there for a few minutes without contact, he probably knew what we'd been up to.

I tucked myself back in my boxers and zipped up my trousers. "Let's go. I think we should probably christen our elevator."

"Ah, are we going to christen things now?” she asked. “Because we have so many places in the penthouse we haven't christened yet. We should probably christen the secondary apartment too. You know, as our pied-à-terre."

"I like how you think." I leaned over and kissed her softly. "You okay?"

Her lips brushed mine as she spoke. "I think you took my breath away, Mr. Price."

Her eyes were full of love and trust. She’d let her walls down with me, and I would do anything to keep my promises to her. "I love you. You're safe now."

"I always feel safe with you," she whispered.

"As you should." We had my father. And the men he’d been paying to follow Gwen and her family. He wasn’t a threat anymore. For once we could start with a clean slate.

I pressed the button, and Gavin came around to Gwen's side first. Opening her door, he helped her out, giving me a brisk nod as I followed her out of the car.

On the sidewalk, she turned as the wind billowed around her legs, the vermilion satin blowing in the wind. Her own little Marilyn moment, and she looked stunning as she turned to me, a laugh on her lips.

Unable to help myself, I leaned in for another kiss. It was soft, easy. And I couldn't believe that after all this, I had my wife. My wife. And no one was going to hurt her. No one was going to take her away. She was mine, and nothing but adventure lay before us.

I thanked Gavin and took her hand. "All right, Mrs. Price, let's go home."

"Home at last. God, as soon as we get inside I'm taking off these shoes."

I shook my head. "Oh no. The shoes stay. Don't worry though, your feet won't hurt. You won't be standing on them."

She grinned and giggled. "If I'd have known that my shoes would be such a turn on, I would have worn them all the time."

"You, Mrs. Price, are about to develop a shoe habit,” I said with a grin.

"Let me guess; you’ll pick out all of my footwear from now on? I’m not sure how practical that will be."

She leaned in and turned her face up to me. I kissed her again as her body sagged against mine.

I smiled against her lips as a crack pierced the air.

It took me three long seconds to realize the sound had come before she'd sagged. Something was wrong. She was sinking to her knees. "Gwen. Gwen, sweetheart."

With my arms still around her, I eased her back away from me and gasped. The blood was wet and sticky as it soaked the front of her dress.

I held her tight to me. "No. No, no, no, no." I screamed for help. “Gavin!”

Bystanders around us started running as another shot rang out, piercing the glass of the limo.

"Gavin!" I screamed again as I dragged her limp body in my arms, scooting back against the limo, shielding her with my own body.

"Don't you dare die on me, Gwen. Do not leave me. Don't you dare.” My hands shook as I pressed down on her wound. “You promised, Gwen. You fucking promised. You cannot leave me! If you leave me, I will follow. Do. Not. Die."

But she was limp in my arms. Blood was soaking rapidly through her dress, and I could feel the life leaving her soft body. I screamed, “Gwen!”

* * *

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