Page 105 of Acquisition

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I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I’d fucked up. And not I was going to lose everything. This was the darkest moment of my life, because I could have lost her."

Never mind that she refused to look at me, I’d been darting glances toward her all night. Catching a peek of velvety skin here, watching her smile at Morgan there. I also watched her with Lance, their ease and camaraderie.

He was right. He is going to take her from you.

That was the fear that was keeping me up at night. That this time I had done irreparable damage and had broken us. By not trusting her to do what she needed to do. By not believing enough in her. By trying to control her.

Micah cleared his throat. "You focused, Atticus?"

I shook my head, turning my attention back to him and the monitors in front of us.

There was a lot of data to parse from Dad's phone, and he and Lakewood were on it.

Pierce and Gavin were occupying Morgan by teaching her poker so she could hustle the idiots at school. And Gwen was staring off into space.

She'd crossed her legs, showing off the full expanse of her thigh. Just seeing all that skin on display had me salivating.

Finally, Micah had to just snap his fingers in front of my face. "We're in."

Gwen pushed up from the arm of the couch and padded over in her bare feet, her hair now taken out of its intricate updo and spilling down her back. The other day she’d switched back to braids. She'd asked Pierce for clearance to have someone come and do them for her. She brought three people in and was done in a couple of hours. She looked exactly like when I'd first met her. What I would've done to make her reminisce and remember what we had.

Well, you fucked up. So good luck with that.

I peered over Micah's shoulder.

"Okay, there are some videos." He scrolled through them, finding the date that we were looking for. Then he whistled low.

"We've got it. And we have location data."

Holy fuck. We had done it. "Where was he?"

"You see here," he pointed at a long string of numbers. "That's giving latitude and longitude. But if you look here, there’s a dot and another string of numbers. That's the IMEI, the phone’s unique identifier, telling you what phone was in that location. He's got data from another device on here."

Lance said, "So he could leave his primary phone here in New York and probably had a secondary."

Micah scrolled through the data points until he found what he was looking for. "All right, this one right here has a different IMEI. And that's the latitude and longitude."

He grabbed the data and stuck it into a web browser. And lo and behold, Google showed that device had been in Montauk at a rest stop just an hour before the murder.

Gwen nudged Lance out of the way.

"Hold on, if he did in fact have a burner, this isn't enough. We're going to need evidence in a video or photo or something."

Pierce nodded. "But we've already checked all the areas around the house and came up with nothing."

"Yeah, but we didn't know that he stopped at a rest stop. Most rest stops have some kind of CCTV footage. And because these are truck routes, sometimes carrying government goods, the DEA is especially interested when you've got somebody carrying cargo back and forth, so they hold onto those images for longer."

I watched as her fingers flew over the keyboard.

Lance bumped her shoulder. "You want me to hack into something?"

"Actually, this time I don't think you need to. It's public information."

I frowned. "What?"

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