Page 103 of Acquisition

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"I'm great. How are you? Everything good in romance land? I notice you and your fiancé haven't spent very much time together tonight."

I sighed and kept walking toward the bathroom, but she followed.

Fuck. I was going to have to get rid of her before I met with Lance. "You know how it is. We had a bit of a fight before we came here."

Her brows lifted, and she leaned toward me conspiratorially. "Really?"

"Yeah, it was minor. You know how he is. Work, work, work and then if I work too much, he complains."

She sighed. "Oh. Well, thank God it's nothing like cheating."

She gave me that look women give each other when they're trying to make it seem like they're in each other's camp but they're not. I'd been the subject of those looks my entire life.

"We'll work it out. We always do. Relationships, right?"

She gave me another wan smile. "Yes, of course. We all know how those go."

"Right. Now, if you'll just excuse me."

"Where are you going? You're not going to enjoy the party?"

"Honestly, I'm a bit peopled out. I'm just going to take a moment to myself."

Luckily, somebody saw her and waved for her attention. Otherwise, I think she might have followed me.

I took a sharp right, and when I reached the stairs, I hiked up my dress, careful not to step on the hem as I booked it up two flights.

I went barging into the unisex bathroom and saw relief on Lance's face. "Oh, for fuck’s sake. I was worried, Gwen. Where were you?"

"Not important. Where is it?"

He set his device and the phone on the table and typed in his parameters before heading to the door to lock it.

"You're up."

I pulled the secondary device out of my clutch and attached the wires to his.

"Let's hope this works,” I muttered.

"If anyone can do it, it's you,” Lance assured me.

For someone who was a former tech CEO, Lucian Price had shockingly little security on his phone. There were a few security protocols, but not many. Until I tried to access photos and videos. And then I hit a roadblock.

"What's the matter?" Lance asked from the door.

"Nothing I can't get around. Just watch my back."

"Yeah, well, you don't have a lot of time."

"I know." There'd been an out of service sign on the bathroom. But who knew when someone would come up here or if anyone had seen us coming this way.

My device kept going, and finally, finally, it flashed green.

"Okay, I'm in. It's working."

Lance nodded. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Fine. I need about four minutes."

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