Page 10 of Acquisition

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As the room descended into peace, I lay nestled in his arms, spent and unable to move with Atticus’s arms locked around me. Being in his arms felt like home and I never wanted to leave.

Chapter 5


I just fucked my boss.

I JUST fucked my boss.

I JUST FUCKED MY BOSS… Who is also my ex-fiancé.

Mistakes were made.

That’s an understatement.

I’d just fucked the smirk off my boss’s face, and I was freaking the fuck out.

I’d freaked out when I saw him, and welp, I freaked out after I fucked him in my office too.

Where anyone could have walked in on us.

Not my finest hour.

There was really no choice at that point. I climbed off him then ran out of the office like my hair was on fire. My underwear was in tatters somewhere, so I just yanked up my tights, smoothed down my skirt, grabbed my top, and made a beeline.

Shit. I was a fool. A weak fool. And now I was going to have to start the Atticus detox all over again. I had been doing so well.

Had you really?

My heart sank to the depths of hell. All that work to get over him, and I was right back where I’d started. Okay, fine. I had been on the road to recovery, making progress. But not over it. And now I was a head case again. I swiped the tears away as I hustled to the Tube.

Make the choice.

I had a choice right? I didn’t have to be a head case.

Maybe don’t have cum dripping down your leg when you make a decision.

But seriously, just because I had fucked up just now didn’t mean I had to keep fucking up. He’d been holding me emotionally hostage ever since that night he told me he didn’t want me. I could be empowered. Afterall, he’d seemed just as desperate as I had been.

I stopped then, thinking about it right in the middle of The Cut. He’d needed me. He’d been desperate for me.

Which was just one giant toxic red flag. If he was so desperate for me, then why had he shattered me two months ago. For what? What the hell was that?

I made a left at Southwark Station, and held onto the rail as I carefully traversed the steps.

I needed to get home. There was no way I could have stayed knowing he was in the office. The barbed wire wrapped around my heart ever so tightly. At some point, Atticus was going to have to do something with me. And I needed to decide whether I was going to let him. The smart move would be to sack me as the Brits were fond of saying. But our contract wouldn't allow that, so we had to find some way to work together for another six months. Maybe he'd just put me and my team under someone else. I didn't know what to expect. But I did know he hadn't called me, breathed near me, or made any attempts at communication in over two months.

I just had to see this contract through.

The Tube platform wasn't overly busy. A couple of young girls were all the way at one end, and to my right was a mother with her child in a pram. I noticed someone with a hoodie pulled all the way up and what looked like earbuds in their ears, paying no attention to anyone.

I pulled out my phone, frowning when I remembered that I was underground, and had no service. Then there was a rush of energy as people started milling in from the escalators and suddenly, the platform was packed, full of people, and the placards indicated that the train was coming in fifty-three seconds.

As more people piled on to the platform, I inched a little closer to the edge to ready myself for when the doors opened. I could tell now it was going to be madness.

The jostling was irritating, and I was suddenly glad I'd worn a crossbody bag, otherwise I would have made a ripe target for a pickpocket. Thirty seconds. And then it happened. Someone jostled me from the back and my body sailed forward. I had to plant my feet to right myself, accidentally clutching onto the man next to me, who gave a me a derisive stare and said, "Oi, watch yourself."

"I'm sorry. I just… I must have tripped."

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