Page 14 of Fallen

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Her eyes went even bigger, their glow exploding over me as I sheathed myself in her, and I thought I might actually be dying. What the fuck was going on here? Had they spiked my drink? Drugged me? It was the only thing that made sense. When she started moving on my cock, I nearly cried at the sensation. She was smooth and hot, tight and so wet, and I’d never experienced anything like it.

She was tearing my heart out, the feel of her around me so good that I wasn’t going to be able to stand it.

And my brain wasn’t working right. Something was definitely slowing me down. I had to be hallucinating. Or drugged. That was the only way that glowing room would make sense. But why? What did they want with me? Had she drugged me so she could bring me out here and make love to me?

That made zero sense. I would have said yes without the drugs. I’d wanted her since I first spotted her.

Fuck, I was missing something here, and my body was so busy fucking this girl, sliding out and slamming back in, that I couldn’t get my brain to kick in. Something was wrong. The room with the light. Her panicked statements that someone was going to come after me. The guy who had grabbed me on the dance floor, and the one who’d grabbed her.

The fact that her entire body was now glowing, her throat pulsing with light as she threw her head back in ecstasy.

She was definitely enjoying herself, and I was guessing she didn’t want me dead. But what did everything mean? Who were the Angelis, and what did this girl know of them? What sort of secrets were they hiding in that house of theirs?

Did Joseph know about any of this when he sent me here?

A shout ripped through the night outside and the girl jumped off me in a move that shouldn’t have been possible and shoved me down and to the side. I fought to get my pants back up, and when I looked up again she wasn’t glowing anymore.

But her hands were.

And there was a ball of flame between them.

She turned and backed up against the wall, holding the flames in front of her like some sort of weapon—or shield—and looking like she was ready to go to war. But I would be well and truly damned if I let a woman do my fighting for me. She’d said I would get in trouble for what I’d seen, so I was guessing that whoever was out there, they were after me, not her.

And I fought my own battles.

I also protected the people I counted as important.

I jumped to my feet, pushed her out of the way, and drew my gun. I didn’t know who we were fighting, but if they were coming for me, they were going to have a war on their hands.

I’d killed a lot of men and was a damn good shot.

Whoever was out there didn’t have a prayer.

I turned and, with a shout, shoved the door open.

Chapter 10


“What are you doing?” I screamed, aiming for Val’s face once again.

My knuckles were sore and bleeding from how many times I’d hit him. I no longer had the energy to wield my flames, though they’d burned through Mattias’ suit before I lost them. Val, I’d tackled with my hands. I couldn’t understand what was going on. One minute I’d been in that shed with Duca, experiencing something that had been both beautiful and feral at the same time, and the next my brothers had been bursting through the doorway into the shed, guns in their hands and screams on their lips. They’d thrown a bag over Duca’s head and dragged him out of the shed, then turned back and tried to drag me as well.

I didn’t know what they’d done with Duca. But I’d made them pay for the way they were handling me. Valentine had scratches up and down his face and Mattias had holes burnt in his suit, as well as a black eye. Still, it was two against one and I hadn’t been able to stop them from towing me back into the house and to Antony’s study.

Antony. The demon posing as my father. My heart raced at the thought, though I tried to subdue it. I needed to think. Figure out a plan. I was sure Antony—my Antony—wasn’t in this building. The demon fire I’d seen before could only mean one thing: A shapeshifter had taken his place. Our mission had been infiltrated. A demon was in our midst.

Glancing to the left and right, I amended that statement. My angel flames had singed Mattias and his skin was blackening rather than healing, which meant he, too, was a demon. When I looked the other way, I could see darkness leaking out of the scratches on Valentine’s face.

Both demons.

I was surrounded. The Angels I’d come here with were gone. And I had no idea when that had happened—or if they were even still alive.

I felt sick at the thought, but didn’t have time to consider it. Antony came suddenly into the room, his bearing tall and regal, his face furious. He looked exactly like the Angel I’d known for my whole life, but for the flat, glassy stare of his eyes. Antony had beautiful eyes. He could shift your very being with them.

This version in front of me was nothing more than a mask.

How had I not seen that before? How long had the demon been masquerading? What had he learned?

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