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“Of course. It’s Tuesday.”

“Don’t blame me for being surprised. I practically drag you out of bed every morning.”

Shell just laughed. “I’m going to make you some coffee. See you out there.”

By the time I made it to the kitchen, Shell was dressed and had my favorite to-go mug full of steaming coffee on the counter waiting for me. I didn’t know what universe I’d woken up in, but it didn’t make sense.

“Looks like you could really use the coffee. Long night?”

I picked up the mug and let my shoulders droop. “Something like that.”

“Oh, no. That doesn’t sound good. What happened?”

I paused. I didn’t want to bring it up before my meeting and mess up my makeup. Today was too important to be a tear-stained hot mess.

“Nothing, really. It was just a long day. Not enough sleep.”

“Okay, well, drink up.”

Shell didn’t seem convinced, but she wasn’t pressing me, and it made me love her more and want to confide. But I knew I wouldn’t make it through without breaking down.

“I need all the energy I can find. I have my presentation this afternoon.”

Shell clasped her hands together, then banged her fist on the table. “You’re going to be amazing, babe! Kick this thing’s ass like I know you will. Derrick’s going to be blown away!”

I smirked. Nothing could blow him away. Nothing.

Iwalked into Design Everything alongside Shell, just like I had the morning I came face-to-face with Raph, but this time there was no giggling or high spirits. Shell held my hand and squeezed to temper my wall of nerves.

"It's going to be okay. You've got this in the bag, babe."

I appreciated all the support she was doling out and wished like hell she could direct it where I needed it. The meeting wasn't the problem, it was the man. We parted ways, promising to catch up as soon as we could.

As I got settled at my desk, my email pinged with a message from Raph. Strange.

'The meeting this afternoon won't be necessary.

Best, R. Teresse, Owner, Experience'

I blinked at the screen. R. Teresse? What was going on? He didn't give any followup. I sent a quick reply asking when we would reschedule when Derrick walked up to my desk.

"Good morning, Lia. It's good to finally see you. Come into my office, would you?"

I took off my coat and followed Derrick to his office. I sat in the chair across from his desk and crossed my legs, careful not to let my anxious foot bounce.

"I'll get right to it. Since you didn't bother to come into work yesterday, I sent along your approved design plans to Mr. Teresse. He deserves an opportunity to review them beforehand, unbridled by the sway personal meetings can have on a man."

My eyes widened and my nostrils flared. I straightened in my chair, uncrossing my legs and planting my feet on the floor. "I'm not sure I understand," I spoke carefully. There's no way I was understanding him correctly.

Derrick was accusing me of swaying Raph's opinion of my work with… what exactly? My femininity? Her excellent coffee-making skills? I clenched my jaw, but kept my face schooled and neutral.

"Regardless, Mr. Teresse has your designs, so expect contact. The presentation was originally this afternoon, yes?"

"He, ah, wants to reschedule, I believe. I'll let you know when."

Derrick sneered. "Yes. Do."

Always a dick, Derrick.

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