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“Yes, bright and early at seven a.m. sharp,” Maci replied, glancing at her planner.

“Are you excited about your visit home?”

Ava gave her a small smile. “I don’t know how to feel. I haven’t been back to my hometown in years.

“I mean, I know it’s small and all, but what is it like?”

Maci laughed. “Small is an understatement. It’s a tiny southern town with barely anything in it. That’s one of the main reasons I moved away after graduating from Penn State and taking this job. I had always dreamed of living in a big penthouse in New York City, proving to my mother that even though she tried to stifle me as a child, I could still amount to amazing things in adulthood.”

Ava nodded. “I’m glad you followed your dreams and made it out of there.”

“Me too. Now I’m off to see my family and old friends, though I’m sure it’ll be a bit strange,” Maci said, furrowing her brow.

“That’s understandable. Just try to enjoy yourself and keep all the work stuff at the office,” Ava said with a smile.

“I’ll definitely try. Thank you,” Maci said, turning back to her laptop.

“No problem. Have a good trip,” Ava said as she left the office, closing the door quietly behind her.

Maci smiled at the view from her office window, looking out over the expanse of the city. The sparkling lights shone like stars, each one representing a person living their own life, with their own dreams and ambitions. She heard the sirens of the police cars, the distant hum of traffic, and the clattering of feet on the city sidewalks. It amazed her that even at midnight, hundreds of people were still walking down the street, going about their lives as if it were a weekday.

She turned away from the window and sighed. It was almost time for the reunion at her old high school. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for it, but the thought of rubbing her success in the face of Holly Palmer was too much to pass up. She was the girl who had made Maci’s life hell throughout high school, and now she would get to show her just how far she had come.

But there was another reason why she wanted to go. It had been years since she had last seen Dawson, her first love and best friend. She had often thought of reaching out to him, but in the end, she hadn’t. Now, the thought of seeing him in their hometown gave her a sense of nostalgia.

She grabbed her bag and headed out the door, feeling the cool night air on her skin. As she walked, she took in the sights and sounds of the city. The music from the bars and clubs spilled out onto the streets, and the chatter of people filled the night air.

Grapevine was nothing like New York City and even though she loved this city immensely, something about small town living was appealing to her for the weekend.



Dawson strode through the bustling airport terminal with a determined look. His carry-on bag was light and contained only the essentials for the plane. There was a precise plan for the day, and no obstacles were going to deter from it. He marched to the ticket counter with a confident swagger and received his boarding passes, and then handed his small checked bag to the TSA agent.

He paused for a moment, his eyes drinking in the airport's sight departure hall. His shoes made soft scuffing noises against the polished floor as he strode towards the security checkpoint, hands shaking with nerves. Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and kept walking, filled with a newfound sense of purpose. He stared at the security checkpoint, taking in the smooth metal walls, the illuminated agents behind the glass, and the bright blinking lights guiding him along the path.

As soon as the security guard handed him back his boarding pass, he put his shoes in a container and his laptop and then the rest of his carry on. He was lucky that there wasn’t a long line this time. He was officially on his way to his destination, and now all that remained was the flight itself. To calm his nerves, he grabbed a cup of coffee before boarding.

He stood in line at the cafe closest to the airport and ordered himself a steaming cup of coffee. He watched as planes soared overhead, taking passengers on their next adventure. Taking a sip from his mug, he allowed his thoughts to wander as he waited for his turn to board. When it arrived, he threw the rest of his drink away, heaved his bag over his shoulder and turned towards the gate, feeling a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation for what was waiting ahead.

Dawson clasped his hands together as he waited in line to board the plane. He tried to take a few calming breaths, but it was hard with how much he dreaded taking even a short break from work. He reached for his phone before stopping himself. He was used to working non-stop and wasn’t sure if it was better or worse that he could still check emails and messages even when away. His apprehension about taking time off slightly melted away when the boarding call came for First-Class passengers and he could be among the first on the plane.

Dawson’s shoes clattered against the jet bridge as he shuffled toward his seat. He had double checked his paperwork three times, just to make sure that he was in first class this time around. He was glad for the big cushy seats and hoped with all his heart that no one would be sitting next to him. The last flight had been a nightmare; between the two chatterboxes who never stopped talking. He hadn’t gotten a single moment of peace. He silently prayed that he’d luck out this time–working on a plane was difficult enough without someone constantly interrupting you every five minutes. With an eagerness to start his work, Dawson pulled out his laptop and opened it up as soon as he got into the seat.

Dawson exhaled in relief when he saw the empty seat next to him on the plane. His joy was short-lived, however, when a woman with an oversized carry-on bag approached and claimed it as her own. He tried to occupy himself by gazing out the window, but his anxiety grew at the thought of having to endure an entire flight with someone who might not appreciate the silence.

The flight attendant came around offering drinks before takeoff, and Dawson politely declined. The woman next to him, however, ordered a Dr. Pepper. His eyes widened as soon as he heard her voice - it was unmistakable - Maci!

He hadn’t seen her in years, but here she was on his flight and sitting right next to him! He hadn’t expected this, nor did he have time to prepare himself for the conversation that would surely follow.

“Maci!?” he said in shock.

She turned her head towards him with surprise and then a wide smile spread across her face. “Dawson!” She said excitedly before they embraced each other in a tight hug.

Dawson couldn’t believe that Maci was sitting next to him. He didn’t even know she was in New York, let alone living here, but he tried to play it cool. He wasn’t the geeky teenager anymore. He had grown into a confident adult and he wanted to show her that the years had done him good.

“So what brings you here?” Dawson asked her as the plane began taxiing down the runway.

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