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Dawson stood in front of her as they both took another sip from their glasses. Maci couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked, dressed in his suit—his black hair slicked back and his pale brown eyes piercing through hers.

Without warning, Dawson put down his glass on the table behind him and stepped closer towards where Maci was standing by the window sill. “You know,” he said as he reached out for her hand again, “I’ve missed you.”

Maci felt herself shiver at his touch—the warmth of skin against skin causing heat to travel throughout every inch of body, making these feelings resurface after all this time apart.

“I missed you too.”

Their lips crashed together then with an urgency born out longing.

“Let’s not waste any more time,” Maci whispered as she leaned in closer to him. “I want you.”

Dawson’s breath hitched at her words and he pulled her even closer until their bodies were pressed together, feeling every curve and contour of each other’s form through their clothes.

Their lips met hungrily, igniting a spark that had been dormant for so long. It was like they were trying to make up for lost time as they kissed; tongues colliding in an intense dance while hands roamed over each other’s bodies, exploring new territory.

As they moved towards the bed, still entwined together, it felt like nothing else existed except this moment where everything seemed possible between them.

They tumbled onto soft sheets which smelled of lavender from Maci’s perfume or maybe shampoo? Their kisses grew deeper by the second until there wasn’t enough oxygen left within either body; only pure pleasure remained all-consuming.

Clothes came off piece by piece… first Dawson removed his shirt, revealing toned chest muscles glistening with sweat before sliding down next-to-nada shorts teasingly slow because why rush when one is already here?

Maci giggled at him appreciating both Dawson’s audacity but also how hot he looked stretched out across cotton sheets clad only low-rise boxer briefs showing some prominent bulge now warring against the tight fabric material restricting its admirable view.

Dawson’s eyes darkened with desire. Her own desire growing by the second, wanting to touch every inch of his body and leave no part untouched. She couldn’t believe how natural it felt to be here with him.

She leaned in to kiss him, but this time with a different intent—the promise of fulfilling all of their carnal desires.

He leaned in closer to her ear, whispering, “Let me show you how much I’ve missed you.”

Their bodies moved against each other as they explored every inch, taking in every moan and gasp that escaped from their lips. Maci’s hands roamed over his chest before trailing down toward Dawson’s waistband until she reached his bulge, which was straining painfully against it. She palmed him through the fabric, eliciting an even deeper groan from him while he pushed off her panties, leaving them naked together for the first time.

They laid there just kissing and hands exploring until they both decided they couldn’t wait any longer.

She began stroking him up and down while Dawson groaned at the exquisite sensation.

But she couldn’t take it anymore; she needed more than just her hands on his cock -she wanted nothing else but full intimacy with this man who had captured not only her heart but also soul from their very first encounter twenty years ago.

“Maci,” His voice came out thick with want and need.

In one swift move, Maci was now on top, and he removed his boxers fully and threw them across the room. A moan escaped her throat as he inched inside of her, making her back arche. “Fuck!”

Their bodies entangled as they kissed; their breaths mingling together as they explored each other feverishly. Maci gasped when Dawson found a particularly sensitive spot on her neck which elicited an even deeper spiral of pleasure within every inch of her body, generating feelings she hadn’t experienced before.

“I need you,” she whispered into his ear while rocking her hips.

He made his way on top and positioned himself between her legs and pushed inside, causing both to emit moans of ecstasy. Every touch was electric—every movement bringing forth new waves of pleasure.

They moved together now knowing what drove each other wild—the rhythm like a choreographed dance.

Gripping his shoulders for support, Maci allowed her orgasm to take over, as did Dawson. With one last deep stroke, they both found completion and ecstasy in each other’s arms.

As their breathing returned to normal, it felt like the world had stopped—all that existed was the two of them together just how it started twenty years ago.



Dawson’s eyes fluttered open, and he squinted in the dim light illuminating the hotel room. He glanced to his side and saw her peaceful form, wrapped in white sheets, with one arm resting above her head. The scent of sandalwood wafted through the air, lingering from last night’s candles.

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