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I can pick up my guitar from the corner any time I want and work on a song. I can do it because something I haven’t felt in years now hums through my veins.


A genuine need to put pencil to paper and jot down lyrics and musical notes.

What can’t be denied is that my tiny apartment is vastly different from the eight thousand square foot luxury rental Mom found in the Hollywood Hills, where we film practically twenty-four seven. I can barely escape to the bathroom without cameras attempting to follow me in.

A shiver of dread snakes down my spine at the thought of returning to that life again.

I don’t want to leave the friends I’ve made. Juliette, Carina, Stella, Viola, and Fallyn have all been so welcoming and friendly. And then there’s Ava. She’s someone I’m still getting to know. But I think, with enough time, we could be close.

None of these girls are anything like the ones I’ve met in LA.

They don’t smile at my face before stabbing me in the back the second I turn away. They don’t talk shit and try to tear me down because their careers haven’t taken off the way mine did.

“Yeah, I do.”

His pale blue eyes spark with anger as his thinly veiled pretense falls away. “Well, that’s too bad. You don’t get a choice in the matter. So, do me a favor and go pack your shit.” He waves toward the bedroom before glancing at the silver Rolex wrapped around his left wrist. “I want to be on our way to the airport in an hour.”

My heart accelerates as I fold my arms over my chest. “No. I’m not leaving.”

His expression hardens. “Excuse me?”

“I said that I’m not leaving. I enrolled in classes for the semester, and it’s important that I finish them.” With a gulp, I attempt to steady my nerves. “If my parents and siblings want to continue the show, they can do it without me. I’m done.”

I’m ready for a change.

Even if the people in my life aren’t.

“We both know your fucking family can’t hold that show together,” he says with a snort.

“Cheyenne can sing and act. She could easily slide into my place.” And she’d be thrilled to do it. Over the years, my sister has grown resentful that she’s always stuck in second place. Relegated to the shadows. It can’t be denied that in my absence, she’s flourished.

Axel rolls his eyes. “The only thing she’s got going for her is a great set of tits.”

I spring to my feet and realize that I’m shaking from head to toe. “It’s time for you to leave.”

He rises before taking a menacing step in my direction. “The only way that’s happening is if you’re with me.”

When he stalks closer, a flurry of nerves explodes at the bottom of my belly.

“Here’s the thing, Bebe—I don’t care if I have to drag you out by your hair. We’re boarding that plane and getting the fuck out of here. You’ve lost your damn mind if you think I’m going to lose my career because some ungrateful bitch no longer wants the fame and fortune I helped build.”

“You didn’t build anything.” With a shake of my head, I point at my chest. “I did.”

Air gets clogged in my lungs when he grits his teeth, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he lunges.

“You touch one goddamn hair on her head, and I’ll bury you.”

On shaky legs, I swing toward Colby as relief bubbles up inside me.

Axel glares at the muscular hockey player. “I don’t know how you got in here, but do us all a favor and show yourself out. This conversation doesn’t concern you, asshole.”

Colby eats up the distance between us with a handful of long-legged strides before snaking his arm around my waist and hauling me close. The woodsy scent of his cologne does the impossible and calms everything raging inside me.

That’s all it takes for my knees to weaken as I lean into his comforting strength.

“Actually, that’s where you’re wrong. Britt is my wife. Anything that concerns her is my business.”

Axel’s narrowed gaze slices to me. Only now do I see the hatred burning in his pale blue depths. On some level, I’ve always sensed his true feelings. Only now does it occur to me that by breaking off our pseudo-relationship, I’ve dodged a major bullet.

He never gave a damn.

It was always about the show.

“Are you really going to throw away everything we’ve built over the years for a nobody?”

My gaze locks on Colby’s. “This man could never be a nobody. He’s my husband.” I pause for a heartbeat. “And I love him.”

His arm tightens, pressing me closer.

I straighten to my full height. It would be so easy to hide behind Colby and allow him to fight this battle, but this is something I need to take care of myself.

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