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It’s important that I end it here and now.

“We don’t have anything further to discuss. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason for us to ever talk again. You need to leave.”

He stabs a finger in my direction. “I’ll make sure you regret this decision. Do you hear me?” His voice escalates with every word as spittle flies from his mouth. “You’ll never work again. Your pathetic excuse for a career is over!”

Fear pools in the pit of my belly before I quash it. As much as Axel wishes he had the power that comes with those kinds of threats, he doesn’t.

“Get out.”

When he doesn’t budge, Colby growls, “You heard my wife. Get the fuck out of our apartment and don’t come back.”

Color rides high on Axel’s sharp cheekbones. Even though it’s obvious he wants to argue, he stalks from the living area and into the entryway before slamming the door shut behind him. The thick wood reverberates on its hinges as a deafening silence falls over us.

Colby’s hands settle on my shoulders before he turns me until we’re facing each other.

“Are you all right?” His brows pinch together as he examines my face. “Did he hurt you?”

“No, he never touched me.”

But he would have.

He would have used brute force had it become necessary. I could see it in his eyes and hear the threat of violence filling his voice.

A shiver scampers down my spine as I release a shaky breath.

I’ve known Axel for years and have seen him lose his shit on producers and other people deemed beneath him, but his ire has never been directed at me because I always played my part and did what I was supposed to.

Until now.

Colby tugs me against his chest until my senses are inundated with his scent. It’s enough to calm everything that vibrates within.

Even though it’s the last thing I want to do, I pull away enough to meet his steady gaze. “How did you get in here?”

He fishes a small metal object from the pocket of his jeans. “I still have my key.”

Emotion swells in my throat. “Did you come back to return it?”

He searches my eyes for a long, painful heartbeat. One that has my nerves stretching so taut that it feels as if they’ll snap.

“No, I came back because I wanted to talk. I told you yesterday that I needed some time and space to deal with everything that happened.”

I release a steady stream of air from my lungs, relieved that he’s willing to hear me out.

Unable to resist touching him, my hand rises to cup his shadowed cheek. “I’m so sorry. I should have been honest about who I was. Maybe it’s not something I could have done right away in the beginning, but I should have done it sooner so you could deal with it without the world finding out at the same time.”

“I wish it could have happened differently as well. After putting myself in your shoes, I understand why you held back.” His voice dips. “And I don’t blame you for it.”

Shock spirals through me. “You don’t?”


When he doesn’t continue, I force myself to ask the one question that has been weighing heaviest on me. It’s the answer I’m most afraid of but need to hear.

“What happens now?”

“I guess that depends.” He searches my eyes as if it’s possible to inspect my innermost thoughts. “Do you want a divorce? I know you never wanted this marriage.”

A thick lump settles in my throat, making it impossible to swallow. Out of everything I’ve done in my life, this by far is the scariest.

My entire future feels as if it’s at stake.

“I want to see if we can make this work.” I gulp down my nerves and force out the truth. “I want you.”

Instead of responding, he asks, “Did you really mean it when you said that you loved me?”

I lean onto the tips of my toes and press my lips against his. “I’ve never meant anything more.”

His arms snake around my body as he hauls me closer. “I love you too and can’t imagine my life without you filling it.”

“Good.” I nip his bottom lip, tugging at the plump flesh before releasing it with a soft pop. “I hope that means you’ll move back in.”

“Baby, wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

With that, he sweeps me into his arms and carries me into the bedroom.



Other than Brit strumming her guitar as she sings the lyrics of her new song on stage, the bar is silent. I’d glance around, but I can’t take my eyes off my wife.

And I’m certainly not the only one.

Everyone is captivated by her acoustic performance.

It’s standing room only.

Gerry, the bouncer, had to turn people away at the door.

When fans find out that she’s going to play a set, they descend on the joint. Sometimes coming from a hundred miles away. Everyone wants to catch a glimpse of Britt McNichols.

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