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I drag a shaky breath into my lungs.

He pulls back enough to search my expression before his lips lift into a smirk. “You gonna come nice for me, sweet girl?”

Oh god.

I melt into a puddle every time he calls me that.

I clear my throat and attempt to fight my way out of the Colby-induced haze that has descended.

It’s not easy. Especially after what he confided. It would be impossible not to have a better understanding of who the man I married is.

“Maybe. Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

A chuckle slides from his lips. “You’re adorable when you’re trying to appear unruffled.” The fingers of his other hand settle on the vee between my legs before applying enough pressure to get my attention.

I gulp.

“How much do you want to bet that little pussy is already soaked?”

It’s not a wager I’d be willing to take.

From the smirk on his handsome face, he knows it.

Is all but reveling in it.

Heat flares in his eyes as he strokes my slit through my jeans. I don’t realize that I’ve widened my legs until he cups my heat. I should be embarrassed by how easily he’s able to turn me on, but I’m way too aroused to care.

“Colby.” His name comes out sounding more like a whimper.

“What, sweet girl? What do you need?”


Everything he’s willing to give.

“Bet you’d like to come, wouldn’t you?”

My teeth scrape across my lower lip. “Yes,” I admit.

His fingers continue to circle, stroking over my clit with every pass. My muscles coil tight with anticipation.

He leans forward, nipping my lower lip with sharp teeth before sucking the plump flesh into his mouth and then releasing it with a soft pop. “Unfortunately, I gotta go.”

When his hands fall away and he straightens to his full height, I gasp. “You’re just going to leave me?”

A mixture of heat and humor simmers in his eyes as he jerks his thumb toward the door. “Yeah. Gotta get to practice. But don’t worry, I’ll be back to take care of what I started in a couple of hours.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Yup. I already told you that I can’t be late.”

With that, he swings away, sauntering out of the kitchen and picking up his duffle. As he walks past the doorway again, he flashes a shit-eating grin as if proud of his handiwork.

My jaw is still on the floor.

I can’t believe that he fired me all up and then…

And then…

Just walked away!

It’s tempting to throw something at his head.

“Oh, and wifey?” There’s a beat of silence. “Don’t you dare touch that sweet little pussy before I get back. You might not have realized it, but all your orgasms belong to me now,” he calls out before closing the door behind him, leaving me alone.

As the silence settles around me, I realize just how turned on I am and how quiet it is in the apartment without him breathing life into the place.


I drag a hand through my hair and force out an unsteady breath. It’s the delicious scent of cheese, noodles, and sauce that penetrates the thick haze that has fallen over me. Instead of sitting here and stewing, I force myself to pull out a dish and cut a small section from the pan.

Steam rises from the square as I slide it onto my plate and resettle at the table. With the side of my fork, I cut through the layers before raising my utensil to blow on it. When it’s cooled, I slide the piece into my mouth.

That one taste is all it takes for my eyelids to feather close as I savor the medley of flavors.




He’s right.

This is delicious.

Damn him.

He really is a man of many talents.



I tap my foot as the elevator rises to the third floor. Had I been smart, I would have taken the stairs. Then I’d already be inside the apartment with my hands on Britt.

Not to mention my mouth.

As that thought flickers through my brain, I realize just how impatient I am to see her again. The three hours I spent at the arena felt more like an eternity.

During practice, my attention kept wandering to the clock on the scoreboard.

It’s the first time I’ve been distracted at practice.

By a female.

Sharing what happened with her earlier felt right. And I’m not sorry I did it. I want Britt to have a better understanding of who I am. Why I’ve spent the past four years screwing around and not allowing anyone to get too close.

She’s the first person that I want to take a chance on.

Hopefully, now that I’ve opened up, she’ll realize how serious I am and do the same.

The more time we spend together, the more fascinated I find myself. I want to peel back all those layers one by one and figure out who she is beneath it all.

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