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Even though it’s the last thing that should be on my brain, my attention zeroes in on her mouth and the way it puckers when she takes a drink. Just remembering what it felt like wrapped around my dick is enough to have it stirring in my joggers.

It’s only when she sets the cup down again that she says, “I think it would be for the best if we rectify this mistake ASAP. Quietly.”

Should her comment piss me off?

Probably not.

Under normal circumstances, I’m the one who pulls away and pumps the brakes, holding girls at a distance.

Never wanting them to get too close.

When the hell did our roles become reversed?

Now Britt’s the one doing all those things to me.

To me.

I don’t like it one damn bit.

And it’s totally throwing off my mojo.

I need to regain a little bit of control here.

“I have an idea.”

“If I recall correctly, that’s how we got into this mess in the first place.”

A smile ghosts across my lips as I brush aside the comment. “How about you come to my game tomorrow, and we’ll discuss our options afterward.”

“Options? What options?” She drops her voice as her brow furrows. “Neither of us wants to be married.”

I rise to my feet so that it becomes necessary for her to crane her neck to hold my gaze. “Unlike you, I haven’t made that determination yet.”

“Colby…” Her eyes widen as her voice dips. “We don’t have anything in common. Staying married would be foolish.”

“That’s not true.”

One swift step brings me around the coffee table until I’m standing directly in front of her. Unable to resist the urge, I lean down and cage her in with my bigger body. She flattens against the couch cushions, attempting to put more distance between us, but I’ll be damned if I allow that to happen.

My gaze stays locked on hers, sifting through the golden depths in silence. When she swallows, the delicate muscles of her throat constrict.

“You certainly seem to enjoy kissing me.” I press closer until the warmth of her breath can feather across my lips. It’s nothing short of intoxicating. “Among other things.”

Her eyes flare.

Before she can deny it, I add, “And I liked it too.” I brush my mouth across hers. “See? That’s something we have in common. I’m willing to bet there’s more. Maybe we need to take the time and explore it.”

Even though it’s tempting to crush my lips against hers, I force myself to back away. It might just be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

But the hazy look that now fills her eyes?

Totally worth it.

I swing away and head for the exit. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”



I bundle my jacket around me and slip from the car before staring up at the arena.

How did I allow Colby to talk me into this?

Oh, that’s right…he agreed to sit down and discuss the state of our marriage after the game. I almost wince at that internal thought. What I meant to say is that he agreed to discuss how we’ll move forward with our divorce.


That doesn’t sound any better.

The lesson I’ve learned from this debacle is that there’ll be no more drinking in Vegas.

Maybe they’ll just be no more Vegas.

End of story.

It’s only since meeting Stella, Juliette, Carina, Viola, and Fallyn that I’ve attended a few hockey games. They had to drag me kicking and screaming to the first one. I expected to be bored off my ass. Color me surprised when I wasn’t. It’s fast-paced action from the moment the puck gets dropped at center ice until the buzzer rings at the end.

I stare around the well-lit parking lot as boisterous fans swarm the arena.

What I’ve learned over the past months is that hockey is a popular sport.

Just as much as football.

Even though I’m not going to see Colby for a couple of hours, my belly is already a tangle of knots. I press a palm to my lower abdomen, hoping to settle the butterflies that are attempting to wing their way to life.

As I hustle up the wide stone steps that lead to the entrance of the building, my phone buzzes with an incoming message. I fish it out of my pocket before glancing at the screen.

Better not be a no-show. I’d hate to hunt your ass down afterward. Because when I get my hands on you…

A shiver trips down my spine.

It’s a peculiar mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Before I can fire off a response, I collide with a small, compact body and bounce back a step. I glance up, an apology poised on the tip of my tongue. I should have been paying better attention to where I was going instead of staring at my phone.

“Hey, Britt.”

“Ava!” A genuine smile curves my lips. “How are you?”

“Good. I was going to text and see if you wanted to get together sometime this week. Maybe grab something to eat.”

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