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"Thank you," she says softly, and drops her hand to the bed. "I'm really tired. Is to sleep?"

"No one will attack you," I vow to her. "I'll guard the door."

Her mouth lifts up into a smile that I can see even in the darkness, and my heart aches again. I watch her with avid eyes, waiting for another word, another question, but when her breathing evens out, I realize that she's fallen asleep. She's trusting me, and it feels like a gift. I stay a few moments longer, then quietly get to my feet and leave the room, my mind swirling with thoughts of Ruthie and her needs. She'll want a shower when she wakes up. Clean clothes. Probably something to eat?—

"There you are," Dopekh says, striding down the hall towards our room. "I was wondering if you were going to hide away all day!"

His voice is booming and I inwardly wince. Dopekh is a good man, but subtle, he is not. He heads for the door to our quarters and I move in front of it, blocking him. "She's asleep."

He frowns at me, taking a step back. "I just want to grab a new tunic?—"

"Later. She's asleep."

"So you're just going to stand out here all day?" When I nod, he makes a face. "Where am I supposed to sleep, then?"

"There are couches in the rec room." I don't budge. "I promised her I'd guard her and I mean it."

"I'm not going to do anything?—"

"She doesn't know that," I explain to him. "I won't have her scared for anything. You'll just have to borrow a tunic from someone. And keep your voice down. She's sleeping."

He crosses his arms over his chest. "What are you going to do if the captain shows up and wants to talk to her? You going to turn him away?"

I consider this for a moment. The answer is clear to me. "Yes."

Dopekh snorts, then throws his hands up. "Fine. Whatever. Standing guard isn't going to win you points with her, though. She's not even going to know that you're out here."

"Doesn't matter," I say, and I mean it. There's a fragility to Ruthie that Ruth, Straik's mate, doesn't have. Ruth is clever and sly. She attacks first, and she's unafraid of anything sent her way. It's an admirable quality and I can see why Lord Straik is so besotted with her. Ruthie looks just like her, but as another clone, I know just how different we can be from one another. There's a breakable quality to Ruthie, as if she's on the verge of shattering. It makes me want to protect her. Whatever she needs, I want to give it to her.

And I will. I don't care if she notices or not. All that matters is that she's safe and that hunted look disappears from her gaze.

It doesn't take long for word to travel around the ship that I'm guarding Ruthie. One by one, my crew brothers drop by to see for themselves, but Erzah also brings a tray of food. I shouldn't be surprised—of all of us, he's the one that thinks with his stomach. He grins at me, indicating the bowls of noodles and the carafe of tea on the tray. "Thought you might be hungry...and that our guest might be, too."

I nod. "You can leave it and I'll make sure she gets it."

If he's annoyed by my control of the situation, he doesn't say so. Erzah just activates the legs on the tray and sets it down next to me. "I left everything in warming bowls, so it can sit for a while. I also brought a couple of those crunchy sweet things that Ruth likes. Figured our new Ruth might like them, too."

"Her name is Ruthie," I correct him. "She said we should call her that."

He nods. "You think the captain will let her stay? He's been holed up in his quarters with Ruth all afternoon. Dopekh's sulking on the bridge. Says you kicked him out."

"I did." And the captain had better let Ruthie stay. If he decides to abandon her...I'll follow. I don't think he will—Lord Straik is nothing but kind and fair—but he can be unpredictable when it comes to Ruth. If he decides that having Ruthie here is too upsetting for Ruth, then I'll leave with her. I like serving on Straik's ship. It's an excellent ship and he's given us our freedom, and he pays us a more than fair salary. But I can't abandon Ruthie. I won't. "Thanks for the food."

Erzah nods. "Just comm me if you need anything. I won't even ask to go in and stare at her." He grins. "Anyone can see you've already laid claim."

My ears grow hot even as he walks away. "She doesn't belong to me," I call after him. "She doesn't belong to anyone."

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