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“Right, got it,” she said and released a measured breath.

A silence fell, the only sound filling the room was the scratch of my pencil over the sketch paper and Maggie’s breathing. For a second, I imagined her touching herself under the water, bringing herself to orgasm while I captured it with my pencil, the look on her face. I’d only made her come once, but I wanted to do it again. I wanted to do it a million times, in a million different ways, and capture every expression on her face in a million carefully drawn sketches.

A few minutes went by before she opened her eyes. “I’ve always hated being in pictures, let alone being drawn. I look so much like my mother, and it’s hard to see myself and not see her, too. But that picture you drew of me, from the bus, I didn’t feel like I was looking at my mother. It was me, only me. It takes a true artist to be able to capture someone that way. I like how you draw me, how you see me.”

My pencil paused, and I held her gaze, chest thumping as our eyes locked. The way she spoke about me. It made me feel a burning need. But for what? Then it occurred to me. Maggie’s admiration and praise made me want to be a proper artist again, one who shared his work with the world.

I cast the thought aside, not prepared to delve into all the ways she was changing me, bringing old parts of me back to life. I focused on the sketch. It was only partway done, but I felt like abandoning it, shoving the pad away and lifting Maggie from the bath. I wanted to carry her naked into my bedroom and make love to her while she was still wet. Then I wanted to feel how wet she was in other places …

I caught myself before I allowed my mind to wander further. I was already hard as a rock. Maggie noticed, too, her eyes lowering to my crotch before shyly flicking away. By sheer force of will, I returned to sketching. I was almost finished when Maggie said, “The water’s starting to get cold.”

I set aside my pad and pencil, then went to grab the towel. Maggie was already standing, water sluicing down her curvy, naked form. I allowed myself a momentary glance before I moved forward and wrapped the towel around her. Christ, I shouldn’t have looked. Her curves were heavenly. Too tempting to resist.

“Thanks,” she whispered, and something snapped in me. I reached out to grip the back of her neck and planted my lips on hers. I thought I’d gotten my arousal under control but obviously not. I deepened the kiss, drinking her in. She moaned, her hands clasping my shoulders, her breasts a soft press against my chest. I didn’t even care my shirt was getting wet. All I wanted to do was pick her up, carry her into my room and sink myself inside her. But then my conscience piped up, reminding me she was in a vulnerable mental state. Maggie’s breathing hitched when I ran my thumb along the back of her ear, and I finally stepped away. Her eyes were heavy lidded, hazy with desire. It was my job to sate that desire, but now wasn’t the time.

So, I stepped away, turned and left the room.

Out in the hall, I clenched my fists and did some breathing exercises, trying to calm my racing heart. I heard soft feet padding up the stairs, and then Daniel appeared, tilting his head at me as though asking what I was doing standing outside the bathroom like a weirdo.

I gave him a pat on the head, then headed downstairs, hoping Maggie didn’t hate me too much for kissing her and then leaving so abruptly.



I stood alone in the bathroom, naked but for the towel. I was confused why Shay would kiss me like he wanted to consume me, then leave like he might burst into flames if he stayed a moment longer.

Maybe he would have. I certainly felt like I was going to combust if he didn’t put his hands on me again soon. But he wouldn’t. He said as much earlier, and I wished he’d quit being so chivalrous, just for one night. He’d obviously been aroused. I could see he was hard while he sat sketching me, but he’d only kissed me. Barely touched me. I didn’t know whether to be impressed or frustrated by his restraint.

Blowing out a breath, I dried off, then wrapped the towel around myself, securing it above my breasts. I collected my clothes and snuck across the hall into Shay’s bedroom. Peering out the window, I saw his dad’s car was still gone. I should really leave before he got back. It seemed rude to take a bath in someone else’s house while they weren’t at home. Sure, it was Shay’s house, too, but still, I didn’t want to feel like I was taking liberties.

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