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She exhaled shakily, her grip on her keys tightening. “Okay, well, if you want to come in for a cup of tea, I don’t mind, but as I said, it’s not a great flat, and it’s really small.”

I motioned to my dog, and she smiled, bending down to pet his head. “And of course, Daniel is very welcome to come in, too.”

She turned and slotted her key in the door before stepping inside, and I followed her in. I couldn’t remember ever being so curious to see where someone lived.



I was a bundle of nerves as I stepped into my tiny flat. Shay and his dog made it feel even tinier. A ball of tension sat in my gut over telling him about Nigel. I wanted Shay to know how his friend behaved when he wasn’t around, but I also didn’t want to drive a wedge between them, especially because they’d been friends for such a long time.

I flicked the light switch on, then turned to Shay, who stood close to the door looking around. My stomach sank as I wondered what he must think of the place. His house was so cosy, lovingly furnished and cared for, with a pretty front and back garden. By contrast, my flat left a lot to be desired. It was also the first time I’d invited anyone inside. Well, aside from Siobhan. Her flat upstairs was almost a carbon copy of mine in terms of layout. Shay’s eyes wandered over the worn couch and coffee table, lingering for an extra beat on my bed before he returned his attention to me.

“Um, I can take your coat if you like,” I said. “And you can let Daniel off his leash, so long as he doesn’t tear my couch to shreds or pee on the furniture.”

Shay smiled at my attempt at humour and unhooked Daniel from his leash. The dog proceeded to wander around the small space, sniffing everything he came across. I took off my jacket and hung it by the door, then watched as Shay removed his coat. My attention went to the strong, muscular lines of his broad shoulders before I caught myself ogling and glanced away. Shay handed me his coat, and I hung it next to mine.

I gestured to my navy two-seater couch. “You can sit. I’ll just go put the kettle on.”

Shay nodded and sat, Daniel hopping up onto his lap immediately.

In the small nook of my kitchenette, I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I was incredibly nervous having Shay there, wondering what he thought of the place. Because it was a studio, everything I owned was on display. My bed was only a few feet away from where he sat on the couch. I was vaguely aware of the tap dripping as I took out two cups and set them down in front of the kettle. Suddenly, Shay was behind me, and my breath caught when the warmth of his body hit me. He studied the dripping tap, tilting his head. I watched as he turned it on and off, then knelt to look under the sink.

Was he trying to fix the drip for me?

My heart beat wildly, and my cheeks flushed. I’d never had anyone to fix things when they broke. My landlord tended to ghost me whenever I left messages about repairs. I’d just end up doing a mediocre job myself or simply living with the inconvenience of whatever was broken. The radiator near my bed hadn’t been heating up properly for months, but it wasn’t something I was confident trying to fix, and I couldn’t afford a plumber, so I simply slept with a hot water bottle every night.

Shay emerged from beneath the sink. I wasn’t sure what magic he’d used under there, but the drip had stopped. I was filled with a wave of gratitude when I asked, “You fixed it?”

Shay nodded. I stepped forward on instinct, going up on my tip toes and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you,” I gushed. “That’s been bothering me for weeks.”

He glanced down at me, and something shifted in his grey-green eyes. When they flicked to mine, my pulse hammered. I suddenly realised that kissing his cheek, though innocent enough, might’ve been a little over the top, given all he’d done was fix a dripping tap. But I’d just been so overcome with gratefulness I’d acted purely on impulse.

He continued to hold my gaze, and there was heat there, something simmering just below the surface. I swallowed thickly, not knowing what to say, when the button on the kettle clicked, signalling the water had boiled. The noise broke me from whatever trance I was in staring at Shay, and I stepped away, clearing my throat.

“So, um, do you like milk in your tea?” I wasn’t looking at him, my insides still all aflutter from the strange moment we’d just shared. I inhaled sharply when his fingers lightly touched my chin, turning my face to his so he could nod. Then he made a small gesture with one hand, which I took to mean, just a little bit. Butterflies filled me at the simple touch.

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