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It’s almost bittersweet sitting here. I sigh and shake the nostalgia off. This day seems like it’s dragging on for forever.

“Leave those here. We can share them later,” I murmur before pushing my way out of the truck.

I round it and open her door for her to step out. I love how she’s transformed from the super star singer to the girl next door with her sweats and ponytail. Seeing her like this reminds me of the girl I used to know.

“What?” she asks as I stand staring down at her.

“I’ve missed you so damn much. I love you.”

“Aww,” she drags out and smiles at me. “Come here.”

She grabs the front of my shirt and tugs me into her. I dip my head and take her lips. A smile comes to my lips as I shove one hand into the back of her sweats and slip the other under her sweatshirt.

I love her fat tits and ass. Her breast fits into my palm perfectly. She moans as I find her slick seam from behind.

“Trev,” she gasps as she breaks the kiss.

I clear my throat as I pull away. “Sorry, darlin’. I got a little carried away.”

“Come on. We have time for all of that later, cowboy.”

“Um, in that case, lead the way. Let’s get this taken care of.”

I lace my fingers with hers and we move for the Galveston residence. I notice the tension coming off her. I look at her and see sweat dewing on her nose and lip.

“You haven’t been here since you’ve been back?”

“Not in the main house. I’ve meet with Mama and the staff in the stables and bunkhouses. I’ve sort of been avoiding the house.”

“So I’m not the only reason you’ve been running from Texas?”

She stiffens beside me. I give her hand a gentle squeeze.

“I’m not judging you, baby. I’m only making an observation.”

“A lot of things didn’t work out the way I thought they would. Coming home has felt like I’m digging up so much I mean to keep buried,” she says.

I get the same feeling I got last night from her words. I work my jaw as I think of something happening to her while we were apart.

I go to ask, but she has stopped in front of Brooke’s old room. I hold my thoughts for later and wrap my arms around her from behind, burying my face in her hair.

“You want to go in?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m here for whatever you decide.”

She reaches out a shaky hand then pulls it back. I realize I’ve been holding my breath. Lynn shakes her head.

“No, I don’t want to open that wound right now. Wait here for me. I’ll go get the books and be right back,” she murmurs.

I release her. She starts down the hall for Moses’s office. I’m left staring at Brooke’s old bedroom door.

A chill runs through me, and I turn. Lynn’s old bedroom comes into view. I cross the hall to walk into the room and smile.

I move to the dresser where the stuffed bears are lined up on top. Reaching for the brown one, I lift it and squeeze the hand. Disappointment fills me when the sound box doesn’t work.

I still remember the day Pook and I went to make this bear for Cakes. Pook had left a message in her voice. I give the bear a hug and place it back in its spot.

“Oh wow, they haven’t changed a thing,” Lynn says from behind me.

I turn to find her looking around. It seems like only yesterday that I stood right where she’s standing while asking her to come with me to Paris. We’ve lost so much, but now we have a chance to gain so much back.

“You have all you need?” I ask.

“Yeah, we can head back.”

“I have a better idea. You up for a little adventure?”

A tiny smile comes to her lips. I’m not ready to share her with a house full of people. While I’m feeling nostalgic, I know just the place we should go.

“I think I like the way that sounds. I’m all yours.”


Consuming Passion


“Maybe we should head back,” I say as I look out the windshield at the rain that’s pouring.

The sky just opened up out of nowhere and it’s coming down in sheets. The road is barely visible in front of us. I squint and still can’t see a thing.

“I’m going to pull over. I’m don’t think it’s safe to head back or keep going,” he says as he pulls off the road. “We’ll just wait it out.”

“Okay. It probably won’t be that long.”

The truck turns dark as the trees lining the side of the road cover us in their shade. I reach to turn the radio on. Trev laces our fingers together and lifts them to his lips.

The rain is pounding down on the truck as we sit and wait. His scent fills my head as I inhale. It’s comforting in the confines of the small space.

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