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“Guilty as charged. My given name is Valentina.”

“As in Valentina Carlucci?” She asks with a raised brow.

“Yes, have we met before?”

“No, but Jaxson was telling us about an interview you did. It was about some new camera imaging software. My brother was pretty excited about it.”

“Oh yes, for New Tech magazine. He must have read their article.”

“Val has been working on that software for quite some time. She’s a whiz at software programming,” Chase states proudly.

“I work with a great team. We’re all proud of the software’s capabilities.”

“Sounds like you have reason to be proud.”

There’s a soft chime.

“That means dinner is ready to be served,” Chase tells me, “We’ll need to find which table they’ve reserved for us.”

“You’re seated at our table, Chase. It’s over here,” Hunter points out the table.

We follow Rebel to their table, and Chase holds out my chair for me.

“Hunter, are you eating or presenting tonight?”

“Both, I hope. I won’t eat until after the presentation, though.”

Chase looks at me, “Hunter is known for his charity and nonprofit work. He always does a great presentation.”

“My husband runs MAP, the Mothers Advancement Program. He’s helping out a couple of other smaller charities tonight as well. You’ll learn about each charity during his speech.”

The servers come by with a cart and hand each of us our meal. It’s rosemary chicken with roasted potatoes.

Chase looks at Rebel, “I’ll get Val a white wine. Would you like something from the bar, Rebel?”

“Yes, I’ll have a white wine, too, Chase. Thank you.”

Once Chase leaves to get our drinks, Rebel leans in and states, “Hunter should begin any minute now. Because there are three charities, his presentation will be longer than normal.”

Hunter steps up to the podium and begins the presentation.

Chase hands us our wine and then takes his seat beside me.

At the end of Hunter’s speech, I lean over and tell Rebel, “Hunter did a great job. MAP sounds wonderful. Helping single mothers find better jobs is definitely something I would like to support. I can talk to our HR department. This sounds like something our company should participate in.”

“Thank you, Val. It really is a worthwhile non-profit.”

Chase states, “Desert was delicious. Val, would you like to see the pieces up for auction?”


Chase walks me into the section where the pieces are on display. We walk through the aisles of art pieces, paintings, and vases. I let my gaze linger on all the beautiful artwork.

“It’s all beautiful, but there’s nothing I want to bid on. I would like to donate to MAP, though.”

“Yes, that’s one of my mom’s favorite charities.”

“I can see why.”

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