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I look up to find Chase’s mother has a huge smile on her face. I give Chase a quizzical look.

Bonnie looks over at her son and states, “I can see why you married her, Chase. She already sounds like one of us. She sounds like a Knight.”



Val and I arrive at precisely three o’clock at her attorney’s office.

His administrative assistant gives us a sympathetic smile and states. “If you’ll have a seat, I’ll let them know you’re here.”

Val turns to me with a frown, “Them? Mr. Jenkins is my attorney. I’m not expecting anyone else.”

The door opens, and Mr. Jenkins walks in. He’s an older man with gray hair but a kind smile. He looks slightly agitated as he approaches us.

“Val,” he turns to me to shake my hand, “Mr. Knight, thank you both for coming. We received the digital copy of your marriage certificate this morning. I’ll have my admin take a copy before you leave.”

He frowns as he explains, “Unfortunately, we have a few unexpected visitors who wish to learn more about your new husband.”

I watch as Val’s eyes widen in apprehension. She gives me a quick searching glance. I just give her a brief, confident nod.

“If you’ll both follow me, I’ll try to keep this as short as possible, and afterward, we’ll talk. Not to worry, you two. I’m prepared for their questions.”

Val and I both follow him into a conference room.

Val and I are both tense when we see Val’s uncle seated at the table. There are two other older men and a woman who gives Val an apologetic glance as we come in. They avoid our eyes and shift in their seats uncomfortably.

The men stand except for her Uncle Victor when we walk in. I can feel their curious gaze on me.

Mr. Jenkins looks at his admin. “Janis, could you make copies of the file you prepared earlier today?”

Janis, Mr. Jenkins’ admin, nods and then leaves the room. We all sit down.

Mr. Jenkins clears his throat and then begins. “Victor Carlucci and some of the directors on the board dropped in with a few, shall we say, concerns about your hasty marriage.”

Mr. Jenkins looks over his glasses as he continues. “First, I believe everyone knows Valentina Carlucci. This is her new husband, Chase Knight.” He introduces the two men as the Chair and the Vice Chair of the board of directors for Carlucci Software. The woman is also a director; her title is Secretary.

After the brief introductions, Mr. Jenkins states, “Valentina, your Uncle Victor, and these members representing the board seem concerned with who you’ve chosen to marry. Their major concern is that your new husband may try to influence your decisions concerning Carlucci Software.”

The door opens quietly, and Janis, the administrative assistant, hands Mr. Jenkins a folder and then takes a seat off to the side.

Val looks around the room and states quietly, “Until now, I and the board have allowed my uncle to run the business as he sees fit. While I haven’t always agreed with some of his ideas, the company has continued to profit. I will continue to approve of changes that I think are a good fit for the future of Carlucci Software,” Val’s eyes look directly at each of the people sitting there, “I don’t see that changing, in any way, just because I’m now married.”

Each of the board members seated again shift uncomfortably in their chairs at her words.

I speak up, “Val, they’re worried about my motives for marrying you.”

“That does seem to be the case,” Mr. Jenkins admits drily.

Val’s uncle gives me a snide smile as he states loudly, “Well, you have to admit, you certainly have a lot to gain from marrying my niece. Her inheritance for one and stock shares in a very profitable company.”

I feel all eyes looking toward me. As I open my mouth to respond, Mr. Jenkins beats me to it.

“Actually, after a copy of the marriage certificate was provided, and I heard from Mr. Carlucci, I took it upon myself to look into Mr. Knight’s background and finances.”

He opens the file in front of him, pulls out some papers, and then hands them to Janis to distribute to the board. She also hands a copy to Val and me and only then gives the last copy to Val’s uncle before she again takes her seat.

Mr. Jenkins continues, “Chase Knight is a partner at Knight Security with his two brothers. Their family company is estimated to be worth four times Carlucci Software’s current value,” he pauses for effect. “In short, it would appear that Val has married into a very affluent family. And it would also appear that Mr. Knight is quite adept at making sound business decisions.”

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