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“They are being treated right now. I can let the doctor know that you’re here. Are you family?”

“I’m Chase’s brother, and this is his wife. Dale Jones is my employee he was hurt while on the job.”

“Please have a seat, and I’ll let them know you’re waiting.”

We turn and sit numbly in the seat. As I go to sit, my head swims again, and I stumble.

“Val!” I feel Carson’s arm go around me, “Nurse!” he looks down at me with concern, “Val, are you okay? You looked like you were going to black out.”

“I’m fine, just... a little dizzy,” the nurse follows us as Carson helps me into a chair. The nurse looks at me and says, “Why don’t you put your head down between your knees? That should help.”

I do as she suggests, and it seems to help. I stay that way for a few minutes, and then I gingerly sit up. Carson looks concerned, and the nurse says gently, “News like this can be a shock to the system. We can take her blood pressure or have a doctor take a look at her.” She then turns and looks at me and says gently, “Unless there may be another reason for the fainting spell. Ma’am, is there a chance you might be pregnant?”

“Yes, I am. I just found out. I’ve been getting dizzy, but this is the first time I’ve felt faint.”

The nurse nods and then offers to get me some water. When she comes back with the water, she advises me, “You’ve got some color now. Be sure to stay hydrated.”

I take a sip, and I feel Carson’s eyes on me.

“Does Chase know?”

I shake my head. “No, I... I haven’t told him.”

Carson gives me a shrewd look, so I say, “Chase told me that he doesn’t want children.”

“Val, that’s what Chase says—but he started saying that when he was barely out of high school. His friend got a girl pregnant. The friend was young and he and the girl didn’t know how to handle taking care of an infant. Chase saw what his friend went through, and that’s when he made that decision.” Carson shrugs, “Just give Chase a chance to get used to the idea; he’ll come around.”

I nod, “I will. That is... if... if... Oh Carson, Chase had on one of the faulty vests.”

“Are you sure?” at my nod Carson goes pale, “Shit. Those vests are useless.”

“That’s all that he had in his spare gear.”

Carson leans over and clumsily pats me on the back. Oddly it does help calm me down. I smile my thanks.

We both look up at the doors open, and a doctor comes out, “Chase Knight’s family”

Carson helps me up, and we walk over to the doctor.

“I’m Dr. Casey. Mr. Knight is doing fine. He was shot in the arm, and we’re patching him up. He did lose consciousness when he was shot in the back multiple times, but luckily, the bullets never penetrated. He’ll have a lot of bruising, but otherwise, he’s fine.”

I sag against Carson when I hear the good news, “Can we see him?”

“Yes, I also heard you might know the other gentleman that was brought in.”

“Yes, I’m Carson Knight, his employer.”

“Mr. Jones is doing fine. He was shot in the leg, but we were able to get the bullet out. We’ll be keeping him overnight, and he’ll probably be on crutches for a little while. The police are in the back, questioning both of them right now. I’ll let them know you’re here. Once the police are finished, you will both be allowed to see them.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Carson and I go back to our seats.

I smile at Carson, “Thank God Chase is okay, and Dale too.”

“Yes. It’s very good news,” he pats my hand, “Val, about the baby, don’t be afraid to tell Chase. He loves you.”

I feel my smile falter, “I’ll tell him once he’s feeling better.”

A nurse comes over, “The doctor said you may see them now.”

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