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The man stands before her and leans in. He’s saying something with anger. I can’t hear him, but by the tenseness in his shoulders and the way he’s moving his head, he’s certainly not complimenting her.

I glance toward Collette. Her gaze has gone down, her cheeks are turning red, and her breathing has picked up. Her left-hand brushes across her cheek and lands on her ear lobe. She’s panicking. It’s her tell. When things get stressful, she tugs the lobe of her ear. Always the left, never the right.

There’s a register between them, but the way he’s leaning in, I’m not taking any chances. Besides, I have a feeling this is the piece of shit ex-boyfriend. Who the hell else would be in a small-town general store starting shit?

“Hey,” I pull my gun and aim it at the man in question, “step away from the counter.”

The man’s eyes go wide, and he backs away, lifting his hands into the air like pussies do.

Collette stares at me. “What are you doing? Put that away!”

“He’s starting shit with you. Who is this guy? He the ex?”

She rounds the counter and stands between me and the asshole in question. “That is a customer! He’s returning pancake mix. I’m telling him that it can’t be returned. It’s against store policy.” Her tone is rough and rightfully angered. “Leave, Max. Now, or I’m calling the cops! You don’t want the sheriff down here. I know you think everyone likes you, but guess what? They like me more.”

Fuck! You don’t have to know Collette well at all to read those eyes. Those exquisite beauties are releasing enough intensity to stop a buffalo. Not to mention I can’t start some shit in town already. Our MC just got a chance to work in the area. It won’t take much to have the town turn on us immediately. And say what you want about Rugged Mountain folk, but there’s no shortage of bullets and people who know where to put ‘em up here.

Get it together, Max. There’s one rule we’ve got to follow. No shootouts in town. It’s the one fucking rule.

I hate rules.

I blow out a heavy breath and lower my gun before staring at the guy who’s only trying to make a return. He’s still an asshole. “Be nice to her, or I’ll follow you home.”

Collette shakes her head and I swear she bites a smile. Maybe she’s more entertained by this than I thought.

The man is shaking and turns toward the counter. “It’s fine. I don’t need a return.” He leaves with the bag in his hand and his tail between his legs. Sure, he wasn’t the asshole ex, but he was still in the wrong.

When he’s gone, Collette sits on a stool that’s tucked behind the counter. I realize it’s probably there so she can get off her feet some, but it doesn’t look very comfortable. “This is what you’re doing now, huh? Stalking me? Threatening small-town people? You know that guy runs his mouth, right? He’s going to tell everyone. He’ll probably have his friends draw up a sketch and he’ll post it all over town.”

“So what if he does? If you’d tell me who this ex is, I wouldn’t have to roll up on every asshole I see.”

She laughs. “Something tells me you still would. You’ve never been very bright.”

“Compliments aside, how are you feeling? You need water or a snack?”

“What?” She smiles but wipes it away quickly. This is the part where I can’t help but wonder if she’s feeling something, too. “I told you… leave me alone.” Okay, maybe not.

“I don’t think I can. I hate that you’re here by yourself. What if someone robs the place?”

“No one robs places here. This is Rugged Mountain! You live here. You know that.”

I look away and back again. “There have been break-ins lately. That’s why the MC and the town are cool with us working our bounties. We have to help keep the good folks safe.”

“Bullshit. I know I was gone for a bit, but come on.”

“The bar, late last week. They took some cash straight out of Mullet’s office.”

“Whatever you say. I’m thinking the math doesn’t add up on that one. The guy barely has an office and Lord knows people around here aren’t storing money where someone could find it quickly.” She huffs out a breath of frustration. “I think it’s time for you to go.” Her tone is angry again. Maybe I shouldn’t tell her all the drama that’s happening in town. I know some of this stuff is private.

“I know you want me gone, but I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you a lot. How are you doing with things? With, ugh, your dad and stuff?”

She looks away and twists her hair in circles. Her dad passed just before she left last year. Part of me wondered if that had something to do with her freak out. I went after her then, but she pushed me away and started dating someone else. I should’ve taken her like a bounty and tied her up until she came to her senses. Looking back, that was a missed opportunity.

She laughs. “He’d probably be glad to know I got rid of you.”

I can’t help but smile at the blunt honesty in that statement. “Yeah, probably. Your dad never did like me much. He was a good guy, though. You, ugh, you still going to school? You were heading for a pre-med degree, right?”

“No.” Amusement spills from her lips as she says, “Not at all. It’s a mess.”

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