Page 59 of The Last Knight

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Marcy beams when she sees me holding Ben. I wonder if she’s thinking about our future child? She better be because I’m not stopping until she’s pregnant. Even then I’ll keep going. We can have a whole soccer team as far as I’m concerned. Although, Marcy may have something to say about that. The thought makes me grin.


I’m finally home. I found it with the Knights. I never understood the expression “home is where the heart is” but it’s true. These people are my family now and forever. They welcomed and embraced me without a second thought. They treat me like I’ve always been one of their own. I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas. The warmth of being surrounded by caring people makes it truly special. My heart is overflowing. I know Matthew is here with me, he’s always with me. Forever in my heart.

“Dessert is up next. Hope you all saved room. I have several pies and sweets for you to choose from,” Amelia announces.

“Mother, you really overdid yourself this year. Everything was amazing,” Miles praises.

“Oh, hush. I wanted it all to be perfect. It’s been so long since we’ve had everyone here. And now with my new grandbabies, Benjamin and River, it couldn’t be any ‘ol celebration. I only wish your father was here to see this. He loved his family,” she remarks.

“I think we should send a toast up to father. After all, none of us would be here without him,” Sebastian resounds.

“I agree,” Sam concurs.

Miles pushes his chair out then rises to his feet with a flute of champagne in his hand. “To my father, Benjamin Miles Knight Senior, thank you for showing us the value of family and how it makes the world a better place. You raised us to cherish all the moments, good and bad, because they shape who we are. We miss you, we love you, we’ll see you again. Cheers!” He raises his glass in the air as we all join in.

“Cheers!” we all exclaim.

We all retire to the living room while we let the feast settle in our stomachs. I think we all overdid ourselves but it was the best home cooked meal that I’ve had in a long time. With the exception of Sam’s of course.

“So, when are you guys planning on getting married?” Stormy asks as she holds a sleeping River in her arms. Her silver hair cascades down her back in beautiful waves.

“I guess we haven’t had much time to talk about it.” I look at Sam but he’s smiling like he knows a secret. What has he gotten into this time? I swear these Knights are trouble.

“Well, I would love to paint a portrait of you in your wedding dress so you can hang it over the mantle.” Stormy smiles as she looks down at the sleeping bundle wrapped in her arms.

“Wow, thank you. We would love that, Stormy. Thank you. I will definitely need you girls to go with me to pick the right dress.” I look at Amelia and Lizzie to make sure they know I mean them as well.

“Oh dear, we wouldn’t miss it. We’ll make a day of it after the holidays. I’ll make a few calls to ensure we have the shops to ourselves,” Amelia chimes in and flurries of excitement roll through me. I can’t believe I’m actually going to marry my childhood crush. The man that I’ve compared every other to. Marcy Knight, I like the sound of that.

“Your love story has sparked an idea for my next book,” Lizzie grins.”I can’t wait to get back to writing, but this one here insists that I rest the appropriate amount of time before I return to work.” She rolls her eyes but smiles up at Miles. You can see the love they hold for each other. It’s truly magical.

“I’m only taking care of my favorite girl,” Miles insists.

“Hey! When did I get replaced?” Amelia chuckles.

“Sorry, mother, no one can compete with my wife.”

“Well, that’s the way it should be.” Amelia smiles at her eldest son.

River begins stirring and whimpering, making Sebastian jump up to come to Stormy’s aid. I can’t help but to see the crazy transformations these men have undergone since finding their forevers. The once famous playboys of New York City have settled down and are in for the long haul. Maybe my job will be less stressful with these women reeling them in. Hell, what am I saying? The Knights can sneeze and make the front page. My job is never done, but I like it like that.

As the night winds down, we begin our goodbyes. It’s a bittersweet moment, saying farewell to the warmth and camaraderie I’ve found with the Knights this Christmas. But I know that I’ll carry these memories with me forever. And this isn’t goodbye, it’s a see you later.

“Come, wife,” Sam smirks down at me, holding my jacket in his hands.

“I’m not your wife yet,” I retort as he helps me into my coat. Pulling my hair free, I turn to look up at him.

“Sunshine, don’t pretend that you didn’t always imagine me beside you while twirling around in your dresses. It’s been written in the stars forever. You were destined to be my wife once we found our way back to one another.”

Sam twirls me around then pulls me in close, our breaths mingling as our eyes dance with desire. In that moment, the world fades away, leaving only the two of us. He softly brushes his lips over mine, igniting a fire within, a longing that transcends time. The air crackles with electricity, and every nerve ending hums with anticipation.

His fingers trace the curve of my jaw, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Sam’s eyes hold mine, a silent promise of forever. As his lips press harder against mine, I yield willingly, lost in the intoxicating feeling of Samuel Knight, my lover, my best friend, my always.


Life isn’t always a battle…

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