Page 58 of The Last Knight

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“Hey, where do you think you’re going? We’re talking and we weren’t finished. Don't you know the consequences of that by now?” I chuckle darkly as her eyes flare with desire.

“I just thought we needed to leave,” she counters.

“We do but this is more important. I don't want you to be nervous or uncomfortable or anything besides blissfully happy.” I pull her back against me looking deeply in her radiant green eyes. “You are my family now and they’ve basically adopted you as well. There isn’t anything to worry about but if at any point during the night you feel uncomfortable just let me know and I’ll make some excuse to get us out of there. Okay?”

She nods, whispering, “you would do that?”

“Sunshine, don’t you know I would do anything for you? I would strike a match, toss it away then watch as the world burns down around us. I’d even hand you the match for yourself. Anything for you.” Marcy dabs the corners of her eyes that glisten with tears.

“Are you trying to ruin my makeup?” she huffs, smiling up at me. Leaning over, I press my lips to her forehead.

“Just telling you the facts. Seemed like you needed a reminder.”

“Thank you, babe.”

“Oh, ‘babe’, hmm I like the sound of that. Now, how about we get outta here.”

“I’ll go anywhere with you.” My heart aches from the love I have for this woman.

We arrive at Aunt Amelia’s estate right outside the city. Descending through her long winding driveway brings back so many memories from when I was younger and I would come play with Miles and Sebastian. I haven’t been here in so long, yet, it still remains familiar like I never really left.

I park beside Miles’ gray Aston Martin then race around to the passenger side to help Marcy out. She steps out onto the gravel driveway, her high heels making her stumble. I steady her, my arm around her waist. She leans into me, trusting I’ll stay by her side throughout the evening.

“You’re not alone. I’ll be right here with you.” I press my hand against the small of her back as I lead her up the stairs.

Marcy fixes her hair as I knock on the door. She looks delectable. I wish she could see herself the way I see her.

“Samuel, Marcy, I’m so happy you could make it! Merry Christmas!” Aunt Amelia gushes as she ushers us inside then takes us both in a tight embrace. I slip Marcy’s jacket from her shoulders and hang it up, along with my own before we continue into the main part of the house.

“Thank you for inviting us, Amelia,” Marcy expresses.

“Are you kidding? I’ve been trying to get this one here for years. Now, thanks to you, he comes.” She leans up to kiss Sam’s cheek then wipes away the lipstick that she left behind.

“Well, I’m here now. That’s all that matters.” I remark, wrapping my arm around my girl.

“Is that Sammy I hear coming in?” Sebastian booms from the kitchen. We walk further into Amelia’s home, enjoying the wonderful food and smiling faces.

Sebastian and Miles both come to slap me on the back at the same time. Fuckers.

“Nice to see you both,” I roll my eyes but smile.

“We’re glad you finally grew a pair and went after what you wanted.” The three of us look over at the girls catching up with one another. I admit, I missed this. Having people that always have your back. Marcy has opened my eyes to so many things. I feel like we both got a family when she came into my life.

“Yeah, it was inevitable. I think the universe has always been pulling us together,” I respond.

“Care for a whiskey?” Miles asks, holding his glass up. Normally I would say yes but I think I’ve had enough alcohol for two lifetimes. That’s not me anymore.

“I’m good, thanks.” We stand there watching the girls pass the new babies around. Marcy glances at me as she takes baby River into her arms. Stormy and Sebastian welcomed a beautiful baby girl a few months ago.

Seeing her holding a child in her arms makes me hope that she gets pregnant soon. The possibility of sooner rather than later is real with the way we can’t keep our hands off of each other.

Miles comes over holding little Benjamin in his arm.

“Want to meet your smallest cousin?” He hands him over.

“Hey, little fella. I’m your cousin but I’m going to say uncle as well.” Miles chuckles but nods.

“I guess that’s accurate. We’re brothers at heart.”

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