Page 56 of The Last Knight

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“I might have to tell him that one day.”

“I don’t think any of these ‘boys’ are worthy of you.”

“Oh stop! You’re starting to sound like a big brother and I already have one of those.” His face soured when I said brother but he quickly schooled his features.

“Oh! I wanted to thank you for the dance lessons. I’ve been practicing. Hopefully I don’t make a complete idiot out of myself at the dance.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always be here when you need me.” I almost believe him with the amount of sincerity I see in his eyes. I just nod, wringing my hands in front of me.

“Tell mom I’ll be down in a minute. I need to change.” I turn back to the mirror. Sam hesitates for a moment then turns on his heels, closing the door behind him.

I collapse in a mess of green chiffon on the floor, clutching the ring to my chest. Why does my true love have to be so much older? It’s like a sick joke the universe is playing on me. Sam will never see me the same way I see him.

I sigh out of frustration as my back falls to the floor. My ceiling is covered in glow in the dark stars. Every night I wish upon a different one in hopes that one day my dream will come true.

I hold up my hand with the ring and memorize every intimate detail of it. It’s what I want my ring to look like someday if I can’t have the real thing.

“Marcy!” My mother’s voice cuts through my day dreaming.

I close my eyes, holding the ring tightly, “Please, please let him come find me one day,” I whisper.

“You found me! Of course I will marry you. It’s always been you.” I smile up at him. He looks at me questioningly but I shake my head as I lean up to kiss this perfect man. Maybe not perfect but perfect for me. He’s beautifully flawed.

I take his hand in mine, joining us forever. I draw a heart on his with my finger then press it into the skin sending it deep into his soul where it will never be replaced.

Chapter 27


“Merry Christmas, sunshine,” I whisper into Marcy’s ear. She grunts and tries to pull away from me. Someone is grumpy this morning. I guess I had something to do with that since I kept her up most of the night devouring her perfect body. It’s an addiction and I can’t get enough. I want her more than I’ve wanted anything in my life.

Marcy covers her head with a pillow, making me chuckle. I pull it from her grasp, tossing it to the end of the bed.

“Five more minutes, please,” she whines. I pull her body back against mine, loving the feel of her warmth against me.

“Nope, it’s time to get up.” Leaning over, I pepper her face with kisses making her giggle and squeal trying to push me away.

“Good, now that you’re awake, I have a surprise for you.” I can’t contain my excitement. I feel like a little boy on Christmas morning.

“Sam,” she says groggily, “it’s barely even light outside. Are you crazy? This is the kind of thing that pushes wives to kill their husbands on those crime shows.” She peeks at me from underneath the curtain of her hair covering her face.

“Aw, you think of me as your husband?” I brush her hair away so she can see..

“That’s all you took from that?” She laughs and rolls her eyes.

“Hmm, you know brats get different kinds of presents. I guess I could take this one back since you don’t want it.”

“Wait!” She sits up quickly looking around for the present. Her messy hair whips around as she glances all over. She looks at me questioningly. “What am I missing?”

“What do you say?” I raise my eyebrow at her.

“Please can I have my present, sir,” she emphasized, making me smile at her stubbornness. I open the bedside table drawer to find the box I placed in there last night. She’s going to laugh when she sees what it’s wrapped in, but in my defense at least it’s wrapped.

The shine from the box reflects the sunlight streaming through a crack in the curtains. Marcy’s eyes widen first then a smile appears.

“Please tell me you didn’t wrap my Christmas present in tinfoil?” she giggles as she takes the box from me and examines it.

“I thought it was a good idea. I mean it’s basically wrapping paper, or wrapping foil, same thing. Plus it’s shiny.”

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