Page 3 of The Last Knight

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I knew he wouldn’t promise something that is out of his control but I wish just this once he would. I need some reassurance that he will come back to me. I think that’s what terrifies me the most, not knowing if he will make it back. I don’t know what I would do. I close my eyes as tears begin forming. I don’t want him to see me cry. It would gut him and that’s the last thing I want to do. I am incredibly proud that he is fighting for our country. I just wish it didn’t come with so much uncertainty. I know Matt must sense how my mood has changed because he takes my chin in his hand and brings my face up to look at him.

“Marcy, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I will do whatever it takes to come back to you.” He wipes away a rogue tear as I nod my head.

“I know you will. I love you, Matty,” I whisper into his shoulder.

“I love you, sunshine.” He kisses my forehead and we sit in silence looking out over the water. I can’t help the feeling of dread in my stomach but I won’t waste the time we have left together dwelling on a what if. I want to cherish these times I have with him.

As I open my eyes, tears run down my cheeks. I’m no longer sailing with Matthew. I’m alone in my bathroom, drinking wine and clinging to memories before they melt away. I take a large gulp hoping it wipes away the pain in my mind. The talk of a birthday celebration has stirred all these old memories that I’ve tried to keep at bay. Maybe it was wrong of me to agree to a party. How will I get through the night? With lots of wine, I imagine. Setting my glass down, I submerge my head under the water needing to drown out the heartache.

Chapter 2


Racing down the street in my royal blue Subaru WRX STI, I blare music loud so I can drown out the silence. “Gasoline”by I Prevail roars through the speakers, the lyrics evoke a range of emotions and memories. A surge of energy blasts throughout the car. Before the light changes to red, I quickly turn into the parking garage of Knight Publishing Company, my tires screeching as I come to a stop. Miles and Sebastian have been inviting me to hang out with them and my excuses were starting to run thin. So when they invited me for lunch, I knew I needed to attend. They’re the only family I have left. I tend to isolate myself since retiring from the military. That’s why I started a cyber security company. It’s easier to isolate myself behind a computer screen because I only need to deal with people virtually.

Pressing the elevator button, the doors seal off, directing me towards their floor. I haven’t been here since my uncle died, leaving the company to his sons. They wanted to bring me on board to work with them, allowing my company to be subsumed by theirs. However, I didn’t see myself dressing up every day and going to work. I like the comfort of my home too much.

The doors spring open and the receptionist area comes into view. An energetic blonde woman at the desk looks up and smiles.

“How can I help you?” she asks, sitting up straighter in her chair and jutting out her chest for me to notice.

“I’m here for Miles and Sebastian. I’m Samuel Knight.” I see the recognition flash in her eyes as a blush creeps up her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll let them know you’re here.” She continues to blush as she picks up the phone. “Mr. Knight, Mr. Samuel Knight is here for you. Yes sir, I will send him back.” The receptionist places the phone back in its carriage and looks up at me with a faint smile.

“You can head back to their offices,” she replies as she motions to the hallway.

“Thank you.” I pass her desk and round the corner to two large office doors. I see the name plates on the doors and decide to knock on Miles’.

“Come in.” Opening the door, I see Miles and Sebastian sitting around the desk.

“Sammy, long time no see! How’ve you been, man? Glad you could make it.” Miles jumps up from behind his desk and comes to greet me with a hug. He’s always been the more affectionate cousin.

“It’s been too long, cousin.”Sebastian is next in line, giving me a pat on the back. I return the gesture before he backs away.

“It has been a while. I’ve been pretty good. Thanks for the invite,” I reply as I look around the newly furnished office.

“Yeah, yeah. Of course. Let’s get out of here, I’m starving,” Miles says as he opens the door for us to step out.

“Meredith, we will be out for a while. Make sure to take any messages because we don’t want to be interrupted.” Before she can reply, he’s turned away and heading for the elevators.

“Do you mind driving? Seb and I have a meeting across town after lunch.”

“Not at all. You know I love any chance to get behind the wheel.” Sebastian and Miles nod along with me. We are a family with expensive tastes, especially when it comes to cars, so of course we use any excuse to bring them out to play.

Once we arrive at the restaurant, Sebastian requests a secluded corner for us to sit in. We order and Miles raises his glass. “To being Kinghts. Family first. Always."

“Cheers.” Sebastian and I speak in unison as we clink our glasses together.

“So, Sam, how is business in cyber security?” Sebastian questions.

“It’s actually going very well. I’ve had to hire several more employees since the new year to compensate for a handful of more contracts we’ve received,” I announce as I sip my drink.

“Great. I heard someone mention your company the other day and I was pleased with the traction it’s getting,” Miles comments.

“How is KPC doing?” I query.

“We’ve expanded into parts of Europe. We’re hoping to become an international name by 2025,” Sebastian answers.

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