Page 24 of The Last Knight

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He comes back, lifting me from the counter and placing me into the steaming tub. My ass burns instantly but then it’s soothed by the salts.

“You know, you don’t have to go through all this trouble, Sam. I’ve been taking care of myself for twenty years.” I sink down in the water loving the feel on my aching body. He cups my chin for me to look up at him.

“And that’s exactly why it’s my turn to take over.” He kisses me then leaves the room with my head reeling. So many thoughts and questions roll through my mind but I can’t seem to worry as the relaxation takes over. Resting my head on the side of the porcelain tub, I close my eyes, smiling at the turn of events.

Chapter 14


Slipping into a new pair of pajama pants, I make my way to the living room, picking up discarded clothing as I go. A smirk crosses my face to see the scattered garments. I definitely wasn’t expecting to get her naked again so soon, but the sight of Marcy straight out of the shower without makeup and a mess of red curls surrounding her while wearing my clothes shot an electric bolt straight through my heart.

My stomach growls and I know Marcy will be hungry by now as well. With the events of last night and everything that’s happened today, I’d imagine she worked up quite an appetite.

The kitchen stays stocked thanks to Mrs. McCoy. She comes in twice a week with groceries and miscellaneous other things that are needed around the apartment. I hate being anywhere with large crowds, I’m always on guard and waiting for something to happen.

I was just back home after retiring from the Army when an easy trip to the supermarket turned into a nightmare. I’m pretty sure I scared the living shit out of the old lady, but in my defense, she had just dropped a large jar of sauce from the top shelf making a crashing sound behind me. Without hesitation, I dropped my things to the ground and immediately drew my carry weapon. She turned so pale that she vomited right in front of me. I ran out of that store as fast as my legs would carry me, never to return to that particular store. The next day, Mrs. McCoy was hired to do all my personal shopping. I blame the military for the emotional torment I went through that I carried over to civilian life.

Since it’s late afternoon, I decide on making pesto pasta with chicken. I remember little Marcy loved pasta. Hopefully, she hasn’t changed on me too much.

Switching on the bluetooth speakers, I get to work preparing the meal. Lost in my thoughts and the music, I don’t notice when Marcy approaches, leaning against the wall to the kitchen.

“Wow, if mom could see the way you move around the kitchen she would be proud.” Marcy smiles with a nostalgic look on her face. She has her hair wrapped up on top of her head and wearing more of my clothes. My breath leaves my lungs when I look down at her, she looks more gorgeous everytime I lay my eyes on her.

“She taught me everything I know. I owe her more than I can express,” I reply. She nods her head as she twirls around the kitchen looking at everything. I have to admit that I’m proud of this part of my apartment. When I bought it, the kitchen wasn’t nearly what I wanted it to be so I hired a designer and a construction crew to make my visions come to life.

When I was younger, Mrs. Hillary was always feeding me. It didn’t take her long to figure out that I watched as she cooked, trying to learn everything she was doing. My parent’s both worked long hours leaving me to fend for myself. She ended up pulling me to the kitchen and teaching me the basics before challenging me with more complicated recipes.

“This is a beautiful kitchen, Sam. It beats mine hands down. Not that I use it much,” Marcy muses as she turns back looking up at me with those radiant green eyes.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” She wrings her hands in front of her and I find that her nerves don’t sit well with me. I want her to feel comfortable here. Fuck, she needs to get used to it.

Kissing the back of her hand, I lead her around the corner to the stools that look into the open kitchen area.

“Sit. You don’t need to do anything. Would you like a glass of wine?” I ask as I turn back toward the kitchen.

“Yeah I guess, I didn’t realize how late it was. You didn’t have to do all this.” She gestures to the pots and pans on the stove.

“I was hungry and figured you would be too.” I pour a glass of white wine and set it in front of her.

“Oh,” she replies. “Thank you.” Marcy takes a sip of the wine, closing her eyes as the flavors explode over her tongue. I knew she would like it. A little moan escapes her lips and I have to shift myself to keep from making my throbbing cock noticeable.

“You haven’t turned vegan or anything have you?” I smirk.

“Definitely not.”

“Good. I knew you couldn’t say no to a good bowl of pasta.”

“You remembered?” She looks at me puzzled.

“I noticed a lot more than you think.”

A cute blush creeps up her neck to her cheeks as she turns away to take another sip of wine. I finish up everything that needs to be done and place the dish into the oven. There’s a talk that Marcy and I need to have and this is the perfect time. Wine might be needed for this so I pour myself a glass as well.

“Come with me.” My hand links with hers as I lead her back through the living room. I don’t think her sitting on my lap will get much accomplished based on our earlier actions, so I take my seat at the couch and gesture for her to do the same.

My leg settles on the couch so I can position myself to look straight at her.

“Is everything okay?” she asks, taking her plump bottom lip into her mouth.

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