Page 10 of The Last Knight

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“Thank you, Mrs. Knight. I appreciate your boys putting this together for me. It means so much.” Amelia nods then picks up her new drink and takes a delicate sip.

“You know you can call me Amelia, dear. We’ve known each other for years.” She grasps my arm and leads me over to a high-top table where we set our drinks. Fortunately, there are tall heaters on this rooftop, or it would be too cold for a party. Guests come up to me one right after another to wish me a happy birthday and I start to get overwhelmed until Sarah cuts in.

She gives me a hug. “You look exquisite, Marcy.” I smile at her kind words. She would tell me the truth so the fact that she is raving about the outfit has me feeling more at ease.

“Did you persuade Travis to come with you?” I look around and don’t see him.

“Yes, he’s here somewhere. I think the guys said something about getting out some really old cigars.” She shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

“That sounds about right.” I laugh at her rolling eyes. “Are Nora and Ally here yet?” I inquire.

“I haven’t seen them but I’m sure they will be here any minute. Nora wouldn’t miss this.” I nod and take another sip of my drink.

“Excuse me ladies, could I have this dance?” The handsome gentleman bows slightly and holds his hand out waiting for me to accept. I look at Sarah as a huge grin spreads across her face. I feel like he’s making an extravagant show of asking me but I can’t find it in myself to care. I suddenly like the attention.

I place my drink down along with my clutch as I slide my hand into the stranger’s warm hand.

“Sure.” He smiles as he straightens then leads me to the dance floor. He graciously spins me around then pulls my body against his, grabbing my waist. The gesture seems almost too intimate for someone that I don’t know.

“My name is Alexander Caldwell,” he whispers into the shell of my ear as we turn about the dance floor. His warm breath raises the hairs on the back of my neck and for some reason I feel unease with him.

“I’m Marcy,” I mention looking out at the crowd for anyone to save me before he twirls me out again. As I swing back into his arms he grabs my waist tighter.

“I know. I’m business partners with Miles and Sebastian and they pointed you out. Forgive me for being forward but you are very attractive.” Being a virgin, you would think I’m naïve but I’m quite the opposite. I guess growing up with an overprotective older brother taught me to look for red flags. And this guy only has one thing on his mind and that’s getting lucky tonight. He seems nice enough but I came here with one man in mind and I won’t be able to rid him from my thoughts until I see his face again.

“Th-thank you, Alexander,” I rush out. Now I’m extremely uncomfortable but also hate to be rude to someone that works with Miles and Sebastian. I feel stuck.

“Please call me, Xander.” He spins me again and I’m momentarily shocked by his moves then I see him. I see Samuel Knight standing in the darkened corner that I was sure someone was standing in earlier. His eyes are on mine as if penetrating my soul. He doesn’t look happy to see me. Honestly, he looks pissed off to see me here on the dance floor. I try to look away but my eyes can’t help but to wander back to him.

“Marcy?” My focus comes back to Xander as I look up at him to see a questioning look in his eyes.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I ask as I try to keep my attention on him but my eyes yearn to seek out Samuel again. When I look back, he’s vanished almost like he was never there to begin with.

“I was asking if you would like to have a drink with me.” The song comes to an end but he continues to hold me tightly. I take a step back to think of what I’m going to say to get out of spending more time with him but there aren’t any words coming out of my mouth. Just as I’m about to give a response, a large dark figure looms behind me.

“She promised me the next dance,” the deep gravelly voice announces. As I turn around, I’m shocked to see Samuel standing before me. The pictures I found on the internet did not do him justice. He’s very tall, around 6’4”, and pure muscle. He always had some muscles when we were younger but now he looks like he was built like a tank. His boyish defined jaw transformed into strong and masculine. A hint of a tattoo can be seen peeking out of the collar of his shirt. In many ways he looks like the boy I always knew, just grown up. He looks down at me with a ghost of a smile crossing his lips. Taking my hand in his, he pulls me to the center of the dance floor. Neither of us have spoken a word but they don’t seem necessary. He brings his other hand to settle on my waist, a little lower than Xander did and a thrill shoots through my body at his touch. My heart is beating out of my chest and all I can think about is when Samuel taught me how to dance when I was in eighth grade.

“Look me in the eyes, Marcy, not down at your feet,” Samuel murmurs as the music begins to play on my boombox. I look up into his eyes and he nods. He takes my hand in his then his other hand grasps my waist pulling our bodies closer.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I confess as I close my eyes, casting my head away from his. Samuel drops my hand and cups my chin forcing me to look up at him.

“That’s what I’m here for. I’ll teach you everything you need to know, sunshine. There won’t be a boy there that will pass up a chance to dance with you.” He skims his fingers down my cheek and takes a hold of my hand again. “Now, follow my lead.” I nod, keeping my eyes locked on his. As he moves around the garage, I move along with him.

I get caught up in the motions and step on his foot accidently. Instantly I drop his hand and step away, too embarrassed to look at him. I probably broke his toe with how much I weigh.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going, princess? We aren’t done.” He comes over to me and takes up his stance again.

It’s not the first time he’s called me that, but every time he does I want to melt in a puddle on the floor. I think he started calling me that one night when we were down in the basement playing a video game. I was upset about something and the endearment was born. I never complained because I loved hearing it.

“I can’t do this, Sam. I’m not meant to be a dancer. I just stepped on your foot and probably hurt you.” Tears spring to the corners of my eyes threatening to fall. I try to look at anything but the beautiful boy in front of me. I knew this wasn’t a good idea. I don’t even have a date to the dance yet and who’s going to ask me? I’m an overweight girl with unmanageable red hair. I don’t scream popular by any means.

“Listen to me. You’re going to that dance. I know what you’re thinking and you didn’t hurt me, not by a long shot. Now, let’s try again.” Another song starts up and we move along to the beat. This time I’m getting more confident and don’t feel so self-conscious. Samuel twirls me and pulls me back into his body, his eyes never straying from mine. My breath hitches at his intense gaze he has on me and my cheeks flame.

“See? You’re a natural, Marcy. Those middle school boys don’t know what they’re missing out on.” Samuel gives me a wink and my heart flutters in my chest. I have never loved anyone the way I do Samuel. But I know I’m just Matthew’s younger sister to him. He won’t ever look at me the same way I look at him. My heart rejects the notion and continues to hold on to that fleeting chance that maybe, someday. The song comes to an end just as Matthew steps into the garage. Our bubble bursts and we are back to the real world.

“Hey man, you want to go shoot some hoops? Oh, and mom wants you to come help her cook dinner, Marcy.” I reluctantly step away from Samuel and run into the house to help my mother. I didn’t know that would be the last time the two of us were alone together. Everything came crashing down after that.

Chapter 7

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