Page 36 of Calculated in Death

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“They did. It was an ugly trial. I was on trial as much as he was. My family, which includes Sissy, stood by me. Even after everything I’d said and done.”

“I don’t remember hearing about this.”

“It was in London. I’d moved there, more or less. It was about four years ago. Sissy moved in with me, took care of me. I went to counseling, and I came home. I came home a different person, and a better one than when I left.”

“You came home the person you always were,” Sissy corrected. “It just took you some time to find her.”

“I didn’t want to lose that person again, so I asked Sissy to come back with me, stay with me. She’s my compass. I bought this place, and I’m trying to deserve the second chance. Which concludes the condensed version of my life story.”

“It’s a nice place. It feels... content.”

“Thanks, that’s exactly what we want.”

“I just came from one that didn’t feel so content. Do you know Candida Mobsley?”

“Yes, I do.” With another quick look at Sissy who only sighed, Alva sipped more wine. “She was one of the women I spent time with so I could say I did. We cut quite a foolish swath for a few months back in the bad old days. We don’t, let’s say, have the same lifestyle anymore, but I see her now and again at an event or a party. She hasn’t changed much. Is she...” As surprise flickered across her face, Alva lowered her glass. “Candida’s not involved in this?”

“I don’t think so, no.”

“She’s wild, and a little crazy, and frankly not very bright.”

“Yeah, I got all that.”

“She’s the person she wants to be,” Sissy added, then immediately straightened. “I’m sorry. That was harsh and unnecessary.”

“And true,” Alva added. “If she’s using, which is a lot, she might pick a fight. Slap someone, throw things—actually more a tantrum than a fight. But I can’t see her doing anything like this, not what was done to that woman.”

“She has enough money, and connections, to hire someone to do it for her,” Eve pointed out.

“No, not even that. If she had a problem with someone, she’d have her tantrum, throw money around, threaten, throw more money. But murder?”

Alva picked up her wine again, settled back. “Honestly, I don’t think it would occur to her, or that she has it in her. If for some reason she did, she—not being very bright—would brag about it.”

“Interesting,” Eve commented. “That was exactly my take.”

“Maybe I should try law enforcement.” Alva laughed again. “And not in a million years. So... You haven’t asked, but I’ll answer. I can’t see Brad doing anything like this either. It’s true I’ve only known him a few weeks, but I’m a much better judge of character than I used to be. And Sissy?”

“Yes. I like him. He has manners, humor, and enthusiasm.”

“My compass,” Alva repeated. “Last night, we had a really good time, relaxing, fun, easy. Dinner, then drinks. I said something about how interesting it must be to refurbish an entire building. I liked that he’d built his company with his friends, that they were revitalizing this building. We talked about it a little, and he said since the building was just a couple blocks away, maybe I’d like to see it.”

“So the idea evolved,” Eve prompted.

“Yes, exactly. And I did want to see it, to see what he and his partners had done. He was excited to show me, pleased I wanted to see it. And I think, possibly, we might have shifted that relationship into the personal. But after... We were both so shocked. He took me home, came in awhile. Neither of us wanted to be alone. He caught a couple hours’ sleep in the guest room.”

“What about his partners? What do you know about them?”

“I’ve met them. The Bod—” Laughing, Alva fanned her hand in front of her face. “We had dinner with him—Rob and his fiancée, and Jake and a date. No business. Part of the courtship, I’d say, but very pleasant. I’ve also had my father do some research on them, professionally, and personally. I don’t take chances anymore. He likes what he sees. It’s unlikely he’d shift his allegiances, but he’s fine with them if I decide to.”

“All right. That should do it.”

“Have you been working since I saw you this morning?”

“That’s the job.”

“I can’t imagine it. Sissy and I read the Icove book. We’re going to the premiere.”

“Alva, you take a date.”

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