Page 11 of The Billionaire Bet

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“Huh,” Heather uttered between mouthfuls of her sandwich. “Is that right? Because every time Leann or I have wanted to set you up on a date, you’ve said no. You haven’t gone out with anyone since Cord as far as I’m aware. And when you’re not with Camden or working, you spend all your time with us.”

I sucked in my breath. “What are you saying? That I still have feelings for him?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Heather said, reaching for her water glass. She took a drink, looking at me over the rim with raised eyebrows.

Dropping my gaze to my plate, I exhaled slowly as a tear escaped out of the corner of my eye. I dashed it away quickly with the back of my hand. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I knew deep down that she was right.

“It’s okay,” Heather continued softly. “The love you two shared was real. Anyone who knew you both back then knew it, too. We were all completely convinced that you and Cord would end up together, that you’d be one of those couples you hear about that were high school sweethearts and still madly in love even after spending sixty years together.”

More tears dripped down my cheeks. I grabbed my napkin and pressed it to my face, unable to stop the raw emotion spilling out of me like water from an overfilled cup.

“That’s what I thought, too,” I finally admitted when I could speak again.

“Sami, can I ask you something? Are you absolutely sure that Cord knows about Camden?” Heather asked suddenly.

“What?” I asked, looking at her in surprise. “Of course! I mean, he must. After I found out I was pregnant, I went to see his mom, Alma, because he’d already left for college. Gramma Nettie suggested that I tell her first, because she would be the grandmother and probably want to help with the baby while Cord was still in school.”

“And?” Heather prompted. “What did she say? I’ve never seen her with Camden. Jake and I have always kept him whenever you needed a break. Since he and Ashley are the same age, it was actually easier for me with two of them in the house, since they could play together, and I could finally get a load of laundry done.” She chuckled before reaching for the other half of her sandwich.

“You and Jake have been wonderful,” I admitted. “Camden and I are lucky to have your family in our lives. I know how grateful I am for your friendship, and it’s great that now our kids are friends, too.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” replied Heather. “But back to Alma. How did she react when you told her the news that you were pregnant?”

I reflected. “She was surprised, just like Gramma Nettie. I’m sure both of them wished we were older and married before we started having kids. I mean, that’s what Cord and I wanted too, but things happen.”

“You’re definitely not the only person to ever experience an unplanned pregnancy,” said Heather.

“Exactly,” I nodded. “Even though it happened earlier than I expected, I was just so excited I could hardly see straight! I know Gramma Nettie felt the same way. A new baby is cause for joy no matter what. But Alma…I knew she was very religious and looking back, I guess she disapproved more than I thought since she’s never offered to help with Camden and has only seen him a couple of times, and it’s usually when we run into each other in public. She never comes into the café, either.”

“Do you think she’s been trying to avoid you?” asked Heather.

“It’s definitely seemed like it. Although I can’t really blame her. I mean, her own son doesn’t want anything to do with his child. Maybe she just feels ashamed or something?”

“It is still a little odd though,” Heather mused. “Was she the one who told Cord about the baby, then?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I was there at her house when she made the call to him. When she hung up, I could tell what his reaction had been just by the look on her face. She told me that she was sorry, but he said he didn’t want anything to do with the baby and asked that I not contact him again.”

“Did you?” asked Heather.

I shook my head. “No. I wanted to respect his wishes. Besides, I knew how important education was to him. He’s the first person in his family to ever go to college. I was so proud of him when he was accepted to MIT! He cried he was so happy, and said he wished his father had been alive to see his acceptance letter.”

“Sami.” Heather said, her expression serious. “This still just doesn’t add up to me. There’s no reason why Cord couldn’t have finished at college and then come home to you and Camden, just like you’d always planned. We were all just as shocked as you when you told us he didn’t want to be a father. I really think you need to talk to Cord.”

I frowned, feeling my heartbeat quicken as a twinge of doubt wiggled in my gut. What if Heather was on to something? Could Alma have faked the phone call to Cord? What if there was a chance he really didn’t know about his son? There was only one way to find out once and for all.

Chapter Seven


“Thanks, Albert,” I said, shaking my attorney’s hand in the lobby of the police station.

“No problem, Cord,” he replied. “Since Miss Hartley didn’t want to press charges, there was no reason for them to hold you any longer. I’ll make sure PR is on this right away to head off the media.”

“I can’t even believe I’m in this situation,” I muttered as I ran a hand through my hair. It was sticky and matted since I hadn’t showered in the past two days. My whole body ached after tossing and turning on the god-awful cot in my cell. How did anyone get any sleep on those things? The mattress, if one could even call it that, was barely thicker than a piece of notebook paper, and the springs squeaked if I barely moved a muscle. I felt more exhausted and worn down, physically as well as emotionally, than I had in my entire life.

“Well, that’s what you have us on retainer for,” Albert chuckled. “Dickse, Dickse, and Whiting, LLC, are here to make all the bad stuff go away, especially for our most esteemed clients such as yourself.”

I made what I hoped was an attempt at careless laughter, even though I didn’t find any of this remotely amusing.

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