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“We need you to come into the office,” Brock explained, the regret apparent in his eyes.

The serial killer! Inwardly, she cringed, but because Tim was close, she found the inner strength to tamp down the fear. “Why?” she demanded, watching his face carefully. She saw the worry in his eyes and knew something was seriously wrong. “Who’s hurt?”

“We’re trying to keep you from getting hurt,” Dean replied.

By the closed expressions, Raven understood that they weren’t going to say anything more until they were back at the office.

“Fine,” she replied, shifting the heavy tote bag onto her shoulder. Still, she leaned closer to Tim and he tightened his arm around her. “But I need to–”

“Someone else will drive your car back to your apartment. We have an undercover officer who is going to wear a wig and pretend to be you.”

This was very bad, she thought. However, she knew that a trained agent would be better as bait than she would be.

Ignoring the nausea , she nodded. “Okay, let’s do it,” she replied, but felt better with Tim’s arm around her.

Thirty minutes later, they walked into the Philadelphia FBI headquarters. Raven remembered the security measures and the long hallways that held so many secrets. This had been her old life and she didn’t miss it. Not at all! Not even the camaraderie of her fellow team members, all FBI agents, helped her cope with the evil they pursued.

“Okay, tell me what you’ve got,” she demanded as soon as they were in the old team room.

Mike muttered a curse as he watched car after car pull into the parking lot of the apartment complex. None were being driven that stupid bitch!

“I’m hungry!” Brittni whined.

Mike didn’t admonish her, nor did he backhand the bitch. First of all, he was hungry too. They’d spent several hours in this miserable car and he needed a break.

Looking over at the stupid bimbo with the overly done up makeup and bottle blond hair, Mike knew exactly how he planned to unwind after a long day of surveillance.

“Fine. We’ll get something to eat.” He started the car and drove off, knowing exactly which restaurant would suit his needs. He’d seen the restaurant about a mile away.

“Are we going to a place where I can get a burger?’ she asked, bouncing excitedly in the seat. She dropped the nail file back into her purse and grabbed another piece of bubble gum.

When this was over, Mike vowed to shove that bubble gum into a more appropriate place. The thought gave him a great deal of satisfaction. But for now, he pulled into the parking lot of an old-style diner. It looked like a normal place, but Mike knew that he’d find exactly what he needed inside.

“Oh, goody!” Brittni exclaimed, clapping her hands as if she were a toddler.

The itch to slap her face was strong. But he restrained himself. In another few days, he could be back on the road. He just needed to slice and dice the Markley bitch, then he could go about his merry way. The lovely brunette knew too much.

Walking into the restaurant, he noticed at least three attractive men. They were just sitting at the bar, drinking a beer as they waited for their meals. But he knew. They were his type of men. Eye contact confirmed their status as he walked through to a table by the window. Mike could still see the men, but Brittni wouldn’t notice them. Hell, he wondered if she noticed anything other than the stupid games she played on her damn phone!

“I want a burger with extra cheese and lots of pickles,” she announced, picking up the plastic laminated menu to survey the options. Could she even read? It was debatable.

Thankfully, Brittni popped a few bubbles, then folded the annoying gum up in a napkin. “I’m gonna visit the little girls room,” she announced, already standing up. “Will you order me a cheeseburger?” she asked, leaning forward, showing off her boobs. Little did she know, he wasn’t interested. However, he gave her breasts a quick once over, just to appease the twit.

Then Brittni sauntered off to the restrooms, a special twitch to her hips as if she believed that she was going to get laid tonight.

After giving their order of two burgers to the bored waitress, Mike purposely left off the cheese part, then surveyed the men and selected the one he wanted. Not for sex. Well, maybe, he thought. No, the only sex that would be possible here was cheap, meaningless bathroom sex and he wasn’t in the mood to get dirty tonight. He was in the mood to release the tension that had been building inside of him at the thought of Raven Markley finding him.

So he waited until the guy stood up, then Mike followed him into the bathroom. He nearly passed Brittni on the way, but because Mike needed to be stealthy tonight, he slipped into the kitchen hallway, waiting until the nitwit had passed by. Then he followed the guy into the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, Mike returned to the table. Their burgers were waiting at the table and, because everything inside of him felt better, Mike devoured his burger and every damn fry on the platter.

“You were hungry,” Brittni commented, twisting a lock of hair around her finger. She’d only eaten half the burger and none of her fries. For a woman who’d been whining that she was hungry for the past hour, she’d barely eaten anything.

“Let’s go. I saw a hotel a couple of blocks back the way we came. We’ll get rooms for the night and be back on our mission tomorrow.”

Brittni bounced up, eager to be back on the road. “I love hotel rooms,” she whispered, doing that toddler clapping again. Mike ignored her, thinking about what he’d need to do tomorrow. He hoped that Raven would be back in town. He wanted to get this over with and be back on the road. He wanted to see Vegas!

Chapter 11

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