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Chapter 9

Mike stared at the building, tingling with excitement. She wasn’t there, but he could feel that she was close by. Raven Markley…he even liked saying her name now. He’d never hunted a woman as long as he’d hunted this bitch.

“What’s wrong, babe?” Brittni asked, smacking her gum noisily. He wanted to smack her for the sound that interrupted his delightful anticipation of his upcoming…encounter. But Brittni was cute and fluffy, plus she made him look less threatening. The dim witted woman was the perfect foil for this waiting game.

The only reason he was here was because that bitch Markley had gotten too close. Somehow, she’d connected the corpses he’d left in his wake all those years ago, now Mike needed to clean up his past. He didn’t want his…hobby…to be interrupted as he evolved into future endeavors.

Maybe he’d need to change the way he killed going forward. Surely the bitch had informed the team she’d previously worked for about her suspicions.

No, that didn’t make sense. If she’d given them the information that she had, they would have found him by now. But…why wouldn’t Markley have passed along the information? And why hadn’t that occurred to him before now?

Maybe…? Maybe Markley didn’t remember him? Or perhaps she simply hadn’t made the connection between the man who had walked out of that office building and the person laying in the bathroom covered with needle marks?

“Mikey?” Brittni whined, breaking through his thoughts.

He hated that nickname. He hated the stupid voice and he seriously hated the way the stupid woman smacked her gum.

“Nothing is wrong!”

She turned, her enormous breasts barely contained by the tiny shirt she wore. “Something is wrong,” she argued, then pulled her gum out of her mouth, examined it, then popped it back in.

Mike wondered what the hell she’d seen in the blob of gum, but didn’t want to ask. Asking meant she might tell him and he knew, without a doubt, that it would be a stupid answer. He had the urge to smack her and…well, then he’d lose his “shield”.

“What’s up with this apartment building anyway? Who are you waiting for? Why can’t we just go do something…fun?”

Mike sighed. “I’m waiting for a friend.”

Brittni huffed for a moment, but at least she was quiet. Mike focused his attention back on the parking lot, surveying the vehicles, just in case he’d missed seeing Markley’s boring sedan.

“I gotta potty.”

Clenching his teeth, Mike again contemplated smacking the stupid woman. It would give him so much pleasure to just…backhand her and watch the idiot woman fly across the parking lot! Soon, he promised himself. Very soon, Brittni would be punished very thoroughly for being…stupid and annoying!

Mike noticed Brittni’s big blond hair swivel around, as if she were looking for a toilet. Where she was going to find one, he had no idea. They were in an apartment parking lot with no access to a public bathroom.

“Hold it,” he snapped.

She glared at him for a brief moment, then pulled out her cell phone. For a moment, Mike tensed. Was she going to call someone? Was he going to lose whatever camouflage she provided by storming away? But when he saw the idiot woman pull up some game, candy hell or candy poppers, he didn’t know nor did he care what the name of the game was, but it kept her quiet.

Five minutes later, her knee started bouncing. Mike figured he had another twenty minutes before the idiot woman peed in her ridiculously small shorts.

“Why don’t you pee in the woods over there?” he suggested impatiently.

She turned her head and looked over at the small grouping of trees. With a gasp, she slouched down in the seat. “I’m fine!”

But moments later, still playing that idiot candy game…nope, she’d switched over to something with a train…both of her legs started bouncing.

With a disgusted sound, Mike reached over and flipped the glove compartment open. Grabbing a handful of napkins he’d gotten from a fast food restaurant several days ago, he stuffed them into her hand. “Go pee, you idiot!” he snarled.

“Fine!” she snapped, taking the napkins, then looked around. Her eyes brightened when she spotted the trees that seemed to be a bit thicker than the group he’d originally pointed to. “I’ll just use the woods over there. Don’t peek!” she teased in that grating, high-pitched voice.

Thankfully, the woman pushed open the doors and toddled on her stupidly high heeled sandals towards the woods.

Mike watched her carefully, wishing that her pert ass and those monstrously huge breasts turned him on. Unfortunately, he preferred women with a few active brain cells. Brittni, she didn’t even spell her damn name correctly, was about as stupid as they came.

Breathing a sigh of relief at the few moments of silence, Mike shifted in the driver’s seat, trying to get more comfortable. Markley had to show up eventually.

Special Agent in Charge Brock Parrow read the message and muttered a curse.

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