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“I’ll have Josephine’s team run a check online just to make sure that no one can find your address. And that’s not an option, Raven.”

Raven appreciated the offer. “Josephine is amazing, so I will take you up on your offer. Let me know if she finds anything.” she replied. “I gotta go. My neighbor’s dog is curious. Gotta tell him everything or he’ll never be satisfied.”

“You’re taking care of your neighbor’s dog?” he demanded. “When did that start?”

She laughed even as she bent down to ruffle his fur. “It’s not an official arrangement. The dog is just extremely smart and sneaks out of my next door neighbor’s apartment whenever he needs a challenge.”

“Sounds like my kinda dog,” he grumbled. “See you tomorrow.”

He ended the call in his usual gruff way – by hanging up. Raven smiled, running her hand over Bean’s back and all the way down his tail, chuckling at the way the dog’s tail tapped against the floor in encouragement. The soothing strokes brought her worries into perspective. Her apartment was small, smaller than what she’d rented while working for the FBI.

With her new career as a commercial behavioral analyst, she earned more money, but her income wasn’t guaranteed. She felt better with a smaller apartment where she knew she could afford the rent if something happened to her and she wasn’t able to work for a long period of time.

“Okay Bean, is your tummy full? You know that your momma is going to be here any–” Before she could finish the sentence, her doorbell rang. “I bet that’s her now!”

Bean immediately jumped up, the entire back end of his body wagging as he waited for Raven to open the door.

With a sigh of disappointment, Raven pulled open the door, smiling at Nancy. “Hey there. He’s ready for you.”

Nancy’s exhausted features smiled weakly. “I’m so sorry that he snuck out again.”

Raven crossed her arms over her chest and leaned a shoulder against the doorjamb. “Bean is never a problem. I’ve already fed him, so don’t let him convince you that he’s hungry.”

Nancy laughed. “I’ll get him out of your hair,” she said. “Come on, Bean,” she said, patting her thigh. Bean immediately started running towards his home, glancing behind him once as if to say, “See ya soon!”

“You are so spoiled!” she muttered with a chuckle before stepping back into her apartment and closing the door. She checked the locks, adding the extra clamp lock at the bottom, just as a precaution. She wasn’t really spooked about the letter, but Raven admitted, if only to herself, that it had been nice to have the dog with her tonight. His lively companionship soothed the tension caused by that letter.

That brought her handsome doctor back to mind. The doc that didn’t want pets.

“Not the man for me!” she reminded herself for perhaps the millionth time.

With a mental groan, Raven walked into her bathroom to brush her teeth. The whole time, she wondered what it would be like to have a partner. Someone to share the days’ burdens and triumphs. Someone who communicated with words instead of just a tail wag.

Why did Tim Armstrong’ face pop into her mind? He definitely wasn’t the kind of man who would be a good partner. Not for her anyway. He didn’t want pets, wanted a tall partner who understood chemistry and…and the man didn’t even believe in her field of expertise!

Besides, Raven wasn’t ready to settle down yet. She was only twenty-nine years old. Her career was taking off. Because of her success with Zahir and helping him hire more people for his staff, other corporations were contacting her, asking for her analysis of their top level candidates.

Still, she loved her niche and was gaining a good reputation for matching people up.

Pulling on a satin nightshirt, she padded barefoot into her bedroom. But at the last minute, she walked back to the main area and double-checked the lock on her front door and the balcony door. Both were attached and secure. Chuckling at herself for being paranoid, she slipped between the sheets.

Her last thought before sleep took over was that a tall, strong man pressing against her back would be pretty darn nice on a cold night.

Mike popped another chip into his mouth, smiling when he saw the bitch through the balcony door. It would have been better if the lights in her apartment had been on, but seeing her nervous like that, checking and double-checking the locks…that was good enough for now.

The letter had been ingenious. He’d have to send a few more, just for entertainment value. It was nice that the bitch was still single. Being on the smaller, lighter side of the male average, Mike didn’t like the thought of his prize being with someone else. It gave him the advantage.

Not that he worked with his hands. No, Mike preferred needles and other sharp objects. Poking at his victims, seeing how much pain they could endure before they broke was more enjoyable.

When the light in the bedroom went out, Mike contemplated his plans for the night. He could break into the bitch’s apartment and have his fun tonight.

When his hand moved into the chip bag, his fingers didn’t find another chip. Staring into the foil package, Mike cursed out loud. How had he eaten all of the chips already?

With a sigh, he started the engine and drove out of the parking lot. Not tonight, my dear. Not tonight.

Chapter 4

Raven tapped her foot as she waited, her mind racing with questions. Had he liked any of the women she’d introduced him to? Would he…?

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