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“Hey Brock,” she greeted her former boss as soon as he answered his phone.

“Raven?” he asked, surprise in his voice. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

She laughed, then stared at the letter. “I’m fine. I think.”

“Tell me,” he snapped. “What’s going on?”

“I got a letter from someone, I don’t know who. But I’m pretty sure that it’s from one of the people that we went after while working together.”

There was a long, tense pause as Brock absorbed that announcement. “What does the letter say?” the big, bad FBI agent demanded.

Raven smiled, feeling a sense of relief now that Brock would take care of the problem. The man was an amazing FBI agent and loved nothing more than solving mysteries. It was one of the reasons he was such an outstanding agent.

“Not much. It just says, ‘You didn’t catch me.’”

“What’s the return address?” he asked, and she smiled, knowing that Brock was writing everything down. Everything both spoken and not-spoken.

She flipped the plastic bag containing the envelope and letter, then shook her head. “No return address. But the postal cancelation stamp says that the letter was mailed from Wyoming.”

There was a heavy sigh. “Not much to go on,” he grumbled and Raven pictured another grumbly man in her mind.

Shaking her head, she forced herself to concentrate. “Big state and lots of open space,” she commented.

“Exactly.” There was a silence, but Raven knew that Brock was still on the line. She could “hear” him thinking. “Okay, I’m going to stop by your place to pick it up,” he warned her.

“I can stop by your office and drop it off tomorrow, if you’re around.”

“I will be and that would be great. Thanks.”

“Any idea who I might have missed?” she asked, voicing the question she knew they were both thinking.

There was another long silence and Raven could picture him rubbing his head. “Not a clue. Every case you worked on, we caught the guy.”

She tapped her fingers against her thigh, still mentally sifting through their cases. “Maybe there was an accomplice that I missed,” she offered.

“I’ll go through the case files and see if anything pops up. Until then, will you be okay?”

“Yeah,” she replied, trying to sound confident. “Whoever sent this, doesn’t know where I live. They sent the letter to my old address so I’m pretty safe.”

“And you live in a secure building now?”

She hesitated, glancing out through the window to the parking lot below. “Sort of,” she cautioned.

“Raven, please tell me that you learned something from your years on my team.”

She grinned, relieved to hear Brock’s commander voice again. “I have security, but there’s no doorman in my building.”

Another sigh, this one irritated. “Raven, how many times did we–”

“I know, Brock,” she said, interrupting him. “And how many times did someone get hurt even with a doorman and excellent security?” she replied. “Trust me, I have several security precautions in place.”

There was another heavy sigh. “Maybe I should come over and check out your apartment, just to see if there’s something more that should be done.”

“Brock, you already work twenty hour days. I’m not allowing you to add another task onto your already long list of things to accomplish.”

“Raven, you understand that the letter was a threat, right? And as a former member of my team, you might be in danger. Just because you’re not on my team anymore, doesn’t mean I’m not going to do everything within my power to keep you safe.”

Her heart warmed at his words. “I appreciate your perspective, but I really think that I’m okay. It’s just one letter and it went to the wrong address. So whoever is doing this doesn’t know where I live. My physical address isn’t listed on the internet; you made sure of that.”

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