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“What makes you say that?”

“Because the women in those pictures are lovely. And one of them, Indra something or other, could be an excellent match for you,” Matteo explained.

“Indra Clementi?” Antonio asked.

“Si. The same,” his brother responded with a sharp nod.

Tim glared at the duo. “Aren’t you two supposed to hate each other?” Tim grumbled, standing up and moving towards the bar in his office where he poured three glasses of scotch.

He handed the glasses around, then sat down in his desk chair.

“Si,” Antonio replied solemnly. “I hate him,” the man said as the brothers clinked glasses.

Matteo chuckled, but took a sip of the excellent scotch. “Now that our father is rotting in prison for the rest of his life, we have talked. We are becoming friends.”

Tim knew this and agreed that both men were very good people. “And you decided to bring that obnoxious friendship into my office just to annoy me?” he replied, leaning back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk.

Matteo did the same as he chuckled. “Actually, it’s because the ladies drank all of the scotch from my office. We knew that you had a secret stash that they didn’t know about.”

Tim rolled his eyes, accepting that his work was done for the day. “What brings you here today?”

Matteo was just about to reply when a man with glasses burst into the office. “Sir!” the kid exclaimed. “I think I’ve figured it out!”

A brown eyebrow lifted as Tim looked at Jonathan Meyers, one of the lab technicians. “I thought you were working on the Zylo formula,” he replied.

Zylo was the code word for one of the products they were developing. No one ever used the name of the product, or what it would be used for. Every detail of a development was kept in absolute secrecy until it was released into the marketplace.

Jonathan had obviously not realized that there were strangers in Tim’s office.

“No!” the boy replied, then straightened his glasses. “I mean, yes. I am. I was.” He shook his head. “I mean, Yes, sir. I am assigned to the Zylo team. But I noticed that you were working on a strawberry fragrance. And I followed your notes. I think I have what you’re looking for,” he explained, rushing around Tim’s desk and extending a test tube filled with an odd, puce looking liquid. “Obviously, the color needs to change,” he continued, his features flushing with embarrassment. But he extended the test tube for Tim’s approval. “What do you think? Is this right?”

Ignoring privacy protocols, Tim leaned forward, eager to smell the newest scent. It took him a moment, then he shook his head, his disappointment evident. He paused to push his glasses higher onto his nose. “No. That’s not quite right.”

Jonathan’s features fell with disappointment. “I’m sorry, sir,” he said, even his shoulders drooping with his defeat. “I’ll keep trying.”

“No need,” Tim called out. “This is a private project I’m working on. But I appreciate your assistance.”

Jonathan turned his head, paused for a moment, then nodded slowly and continued out the door.

Tim waited until the office door was closed before he turned to his friends.

“I didn’t know we were getting into the perfume business,” Matteo commented, then took a long sip of his scotch, keeping his eyes on Tim over the rim of the glass.

“We’re not,” Tim snapped. “As I said, it’s a private challenge. I’m working on it on my own time.”

Antonio eyed Tim carefully as well. He swirled the scotch in his glass, then said, “I remember a strawberry scented woman recently. But I can’t quite remember where.”

Thankfully, Matteo turned to look at his brother so he didn’t notice Tim’s features darken with irritation. But Tim didn’t reply. Instead, he looked into his scotch. “How’s business in Spain?” he asked, changing the subject. “I’ve read several articles that rave about the changes in your village. And I’ve also heard rumors about some of the investments you’ve made.”

Antonio smiled triumphantly and Tim wondered if the other man knew who wore the strawberry scent. Thankfully, he didn’t go down that road. He simply nodded and accepted the conversation change. For the next hour, they discussed business issues, brainstorming on obstacles both sides of “the pond” experienced.

They even continued their conversation after a box of Thai food was delivered, compliments of Tim’s efficient assistant, who brought in the box just as she informed Tim that she was heading out for the night.

And the whole time, Tim kept wondering what types of food Raven preferred.

Raven sighed as she pushed through the door to her apartment, dumping her bag beside the door.

“Hello, Bean,” she whispered as her neighbor’s dog rushed down the hallway to greet her. “How are you tonight? Is Ms. Stacey taking good care of you? Because if she isn’t, then you know that you always have a home here with me,” she cooed, rubbing the fluffy dog’s ears.

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