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They look at each other, and then Penny smiles. “The guards are because Kervyn wants peace of mind. I took self-defense lessons shortly after having Sammy. If anyone starts with me, I’d be able to handle them myself. So would Asher.”

I look at them, surprised. “You’re not scared?”

“Of course, we’re scared, but there’s lots of things to be scared of in life. That doesn’t mean you stop living.” Asher shrugs as she speaks.

I turn that thought over as we pull into the clinic’s parking lot.

We go into the clinic and a different doctor is waiting for me.

“Hannah, this is Dr. Stroem. She’s our OB,” Penny introduces us.

“This way, ladies.” She leads us into a room and pats the table. “Up here, please, and pull your shirt up.”

I pull my shirt up and rest back.

“This might be a little cool,” she says as she squeezes a gel onto my stomach. I twitch slightly because it is cold. She brings out the sonar and runs the wand over my belly, applying slight pressure. She pauses in one section and then taps some buttons. “There you go.” I look at the screen as she speaks. “There’s your baby. I’d say seven weeks along.”

“It’s so small,” I say, squinting at the screen.

“Yes, but they’ll grow quickly, and before you know it, you’ll be delivering.”

I nod as she wipes the gel off me.

“Now I’m going to give you a list of prenatal vitamins to take, and we will schedule some follow-up appointments for you.”

“Is there any reading material you can give her like you gave us?” Penny asks.

“Yes, I have a few things here. Mr. Milov requested it when he made the appointment.”

I look at Penny. “Luka made the appointment?”

“He did. He wanted to come but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She smiles and takes my hand. “But we are your sisters, so we don’t mind coming with you.”

I nod, feeling somewhat emotional. In reality, Luka is such a gentle soul, no matter what bravado he puts on.

We get the list of vitamins and the reading material, and the guards take them to the car while we schedule the next appointments.

Asher and Penny happily chat about having babies while we walk out, but we’re stopped suddenly when each of us is grabbed by the arms. I see the guards lying nearby with the reading material strewn about. I start to scream, but a hand with a cloth goes over my mouth, and everything goes black.

“Hannah!” I lift my head sharply when I come around, and it bangs against another head.

“Ow,” Asher groans. “Not so fast; we’re tied together.”

My head droops a little, and then I shake it. “Where are we?”

“A safe house,” Penny says quietly. “Hush, you two, they’re talking about the casino.”

I try to focus my brain, and once I do, I hear the voices next door. I don’t move as I notice Penny craning to listen to what’s being said.

“You promised me my money, Mr. Pacheco.”

“Aram, I told you. It’s buried in the walls of the damn casino. If the Russians hadn’t taken it from underneath us, we would have paid you already.”

“My patience wears thin, Mr. Pacheco. And now you’ve taken the Queen of the Vegas Bratva as hostage. Are you trying to cause a war?”

“He won’t risk hurting her. She’s his weakness. The Milov men love too passionately. They’ll hand that casino over before they risk their women.”

The door opens, and two men walk in. I look up at them. I recognize them as the men who originally kidnapped me when this all started.

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