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She gives me a half-hearted smile and turns her attention back to Sammy.

During our hour, we play with him, and I bravely change his diaper, which is thankfully only a wet one, and thankfully, I’ve done this before with Penny. Then I prepare his bottle, and Hannah checks it before she feeds him.

She rocks him gently to sleep, and by the time Kervyn, Penny, and Mom come back, I’m absolutely smitten with the idea of Hannah being a mom. She’s amazing.

“I see my baby is in one piece.” Penny smiles. “Thank you for watching him. It was nice to have some peace and quiet.”

“Anytime,” Hannah says as Penny takes the sleeping boy from her arms and tucks him in his stroller.

“Are you spending the night here, Penny?” I ask curiously.

“Just tonight. Kervyn wanted to see us. We’re going back to Danil in the morning.”

“You two best get home and get some sleep.” Kervyn kisses Penny’s head. “We’re going to have an early night as well.”

He looks at me pointedly, and I try not to laugh because I know exactly why he wants to go to bed early.

We leave, and Monty and Jonah take us home. When we’re there, I walk Hannah up to her room. We stand outside there for a moment. I tilt her head up and lean down to kiss her, but she pulls away, and that honestly crushes my heart.

“I don’t know what I want, Luka, please. I need time.” She turns and goes into her room without another word.

I go to my bedroom and lie there thinking about her.

Chapter 25 - Hannah

I come downstairs, dressed, and ready to go to the doctor. Asher and Penny are picking me up with their guards so we can go to the clinic for a check-up.

Luka has been nothing but kind since the night he tried to kiss me, but I’m honestly not ready for anything. I know now what it is I feel. I feel helpless. I have no control, and I’m a helpless woman in distress, and it doesn’t sit right with me.

A car pulls up to the house, and I walk outside. Penny and Asher are seated in the spacious back of the vehicle while the guards are up in the front. I climb in and sit opposite them.

“Thanks for going with me,” I say.

“It’s no problem at all. Mama Milov has the kids, so it’s a nice day out for all three of us. Maybe we can stop at Franki’s for some food.” Asher pulls out a bottle of water and sips it. “Are you excited to see how far along you are?”

“It feels surreal.” I look out the window.

“How are things with Luka?” I can hear Penny is trying to be careful about broaching the topic.

“He’s being sweet. He’s bought a lot of stuff for the baby over the last week,” I say quietly. “But I don’t really want to talk about him.”

“Okay, then we’ll talk about the baby. What are you hoping for? A girl or a boy?” Asher asks, looking at Penny.

“Um, a boy. I think I want a boy.” I smile at her sadly. “After watching Sammy, I think I’m suited to a boy baby.”

“Well, you just need to baby Jade, and you’ll see girl babies are better,” Asher says.

Penny interjects. “Says she, who is trying to get a boy baby.”

“You’re trying for a baby too?” I ask.

“Danil wants a son. I wouldn’t mind another baby.” She shrugs. “Although teething with Jade is an absolute nightmare, which is why we have Mama Milov to give us days off.”

“Is it really that hard to be a mom?”

“It isn’t hard,” Penny says. “A lot of it just comes naturally, I think. I do think it is tiring. Much like being part of this family is tiring.”

“Don’t you get tired of being a helpless damsel in distress surrounded by guards?” I ask. “With no control over your lives?”

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