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I pull into the parking lot and check my phone—messages from Hannah.

I scroll through them.

We should talk about this.

You have to understand where I’m coming from.

I didn’t ask for this any more than you did.

I should get a say in my life.

I toss my phone to the seat next to me and get out of the car. I walk inside and straight to the VIP section. Arseny is sitting at the bar sipping on what looks like a two-shot of vodka.

I sit down. “I’ll have the same, Benji.”

The bartender pours my drink, puts it in front of me, and leaves.

“You look like you’ve been crying,” Arseny says, even though he’s barely looked at me.

“You heard it in my voice,” I comment. “I don’t know what to do.”

Arseny downs his drink and leans over the bar, grabbing the bottle. He pours at least four shots and fills my glass. “Tell me,” he says.

“She’s pregnant,” I say, sipping my drink. “She came home and told me a little while ago.”

“Then why are you here and not celebrating? I thought you loved this girl,” he comments.

“She wants me to cut ties with the family if we’re going to have a baby together.” I take a deep drink and smack my lips.

“It's Impossible. Kervyn would never let that happen, not without a fight.” Arseny sips his drink and looks at me. “Don’t tell me you’re considering it.”

“I want my child, Arseny. I want to raise him with her. I don’t want him to come from a broken home.”

“Get rid of her, find another girl, and have her raise your child with you. They’ll never know.” He shrugs as though that was the easiest, most logical solution.

I turn in my seat and lean back against the bar. “I want her.”

“You can’t have everything, Luka. Your days of being the brat prince are at an end. You made an adult decision, and now you’re going to be making them for the rest of your life. This is what growing up is like. You have to make horrible decisions all the time. Are you really going to turn your back on Kervyn? After everything he’s sacrificed for us to have the lives we have?”

“I’m not saying I’m going to. I just… How do I get her to see it my way?”

“You can’t force someone to see something from your point of view,” Arseny says. “Even though people say our family is good at doing that.”

I sip my drink again. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Go home.” Arseny downs his drink. “Go home and comfort her because she’s probably scared shitless about having a baby. That’s where you start. Once we have a handle on that, we can sort out the rest. Maybe the girls can talk to her again. Penny is convincing. Asher isn’t bad either.”

I down my drink and sigh. “Okay.”

“Drive carefully, you’re over the limit.” Arseny downs his own drink, and we walk out together.

I get in my car and leave Arseny in the parking lot as I start to drive home. I decide to take a more isolated route because I’ve been drinking, and that’s when I notice the car following me. I suddenly speed up but have to slam on brakes when a car up ahead pulls in front of me.

I slam into their car, and the airbag gives me whiplash.

I feel dazed, but I hear my car door snatched open and someone reaching in to undo my seat belt. I head butt them but only manage to hit them off the side. They punch me in the face and then drag me out of the car and start to kick me.

“Enough. The bosses want him alive,” a man says. “Bring him.”

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