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“Hannah,” I breathe. “I have to go. She’s at the house.”

I hurry out and jump into the car with Monty. He puts the car into gear and floors it.

When we get to the estate, I run inside and call for Hannah. I check all the rooms in the house starting with her bedroom and recording room. When I came back downstairs, I found a note near the door saying she’d gone to the library again.

I take out my phone and dial her number. It rings and rings, but there’s no answer.

I dial it again.

It rings out again.

I dial Kervyn. “She’s gone to the library, but she’s not answering. What if something has happened to her?”

“Call Wynter and Clyde. Send them out to look for her. I’ll call Arseny.”

I hang up and call my cousins, relaying the instructions.

Then I pace because I can’t leave. I need to be here in case she does come back. Then I can let everyone know she’s fine.

She better be fine.

If she’s not, it’s all my fault.

The minutes tick by slowly, and I feel like I’m dying inside.

The front door opens, and Jonah walks in, followed by Hannah.

“Hannah,” I shout. I run to her and grab her by her shoulders, shaking her slightly. “Why didn’t you answer your phone when I called? I was worried sick about you.”

“You weren’t here when I left, so I left you a note. It’s right there.” She motions to the note.

“It’s dangerous to be out there. You could have been hurt.” I shake her again. I want to stop myself. I want to be the calm in the storm, but the thought of losing her was more than I could bear. “You are to stay with a guard at all times. No random trips to the library alone anymore.”

“I wasn’t alone,” she snaps. “I knew the whole good guy routine was a ruse.” She rips herself from my grasp. “You just want to control me. You just want to tell me what to do, when and how. You’re a narcissist.”

“You don’t understand the dangers out in the world,” I growl.

“You mean like you? You kidnapped me and, falsely married me and made me move in with you.”

“Not this again. I told you I did this for your own good,” I said heatedly. “It was to secure your safety.”

“Bullshit,” she screams. “Bull fucking shit. You’ve done nothing but try to manipulate and control me from day one. I’m done playing your stupid game, Luka. I want out. You’re not a nice guy. I’m not falling for it anymore.”

She pushes past me and hurries upstairs.

“Hannah,” I call. “Hannah!”

I feel deflated as I go to my office and pour myself a shot of whiskey. I down it and then pour another.

Women. They don’t appreciate anything you fucking do.

I down the second shot, grab my car keys, drive to the laundromat, and go downstairs to see Wynter.

“She come home all right?” Wynter asks.

“She’s pissed as hell with me for worrying about her.” I sigh as I sit down at the little table where they are playing poker.

“Women can do that. Did you hurt her?” he asks curiously.

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