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“Good plan,” she says. She turns and lies down with her back to me. I scoot forward, and she scoots back until we’re spooning together. I gently slide my arm around her middle and hold her there. I stroke her stomach softly with my fingertips as I start to drift off.

A weight on my leg makes me lift my head quite quickly.

“It’s your cat,” I say, watching her walk up my leg.

“She’s probably looking for me,” Hannah says sleepily. “She’ll settle down.”

She curls up on my hip, and I pull a face before I settle back down. I simply leave her there. She’ll move if I roll over.

I think.

I must drift off because the next thing I know, I blink awake, and the bed in front of me is empty. I move to sit up, and Kitty hisses at me and takes off.

I look around, but there’s no sign of Hannah. I get out of bed, intent on finding her. I always want to be around her. She’s so addictive. So magnetic.

I stop as I hear my phone ringing. I recognize the tone; it’s Arseny. I turn and hurry back, grabbing my phone to answer it. “This better be good.”

“Kervyn’s estate was attacked,” he says gravely.

I feel like I’ve been plunged into an ice bath.

“Are they…”

“They’re okay. Meet me there in fifteen minutes. Leave Jonah with Hannah,” he says before he hangs up.

I dress quickly. Hannah will have to wait. At least I know she’ll be safe here playing with her sound equipment.

I take Monty, and we drive over to Kervyn’s estate. I don’t see my oldest brother when I walk in, but I do see Penny with a crying Samuel. The windows are shattered, and there are bullet holes scattered through the walls. I hear Kervyn yelling at someone in his office.

I go over to Penny immediately. “Are you okay?”

“Shook up, but okay. Only Kervyn was downstairs when the Armenians attacked the house. I was getting Sam ready for a play date with Jade.” She looks at me, stressed. “This is crossing a line, Luka. You need to do something about this.”

“I’m going to. Monty,” I turn to my guard. “Raise some extra guys and take Sam and Penny to Danil’s estate. Leave the extra guards there to watch them.”

“Yes, sir,” Monty says, motioning for Penny to follow him.

“What about Kervyn?” she asks.

“He’ll stay at Mom's. It’s best to keep you separate for now so you’re in less danger.” I give her a hug. “He’ll still come see you, so don’t worry.”

“Luka,” my brother roars from his office.

“I have to go. Be careful.” I hurry to Kervyn’s office, where Danil and Arseny are standing. Kervyn slams his hand down on the table.

“This has gone too far. They attacked my fucking home,” he growls. “I want to know who these punks are, and I want them to pay for this. Do you understand me?” He looks at Arseny, who nods.

“I’m on it,” Arseny says before getting up and leaving.

Kervyn looks at me. “What arrangements have you made?”

“I’ve sent Penny and Sam with extra guards to Danil’s house. You can stay at Mom’s house for now. I’ll send her out of town on a holiday. She could use one anyway.” I stand straight. “I’ll have extra guards at both locations.”

“These are the same twits that shot up your casino. I want to know why they are focusing on us. Speak to the Mexican cartel contacts we have. They may know something.”

Danil stands. “I’ll do that right after I check on Asher and Jade and put some extra guards on them.”

“Take extra guards yourselves. I don’t want anyone taking chances.” Kervyn looks at me. “They may very well hit your estate too if you were their original target.”

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