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I try not to sigh myself as Monty starts pulling out of the driveway. “To the library, Monty,” I say.

“Yes, sir,” he replies.

We sit in silence the entire drive there, and once we get there, Hannah takes some books out of her bag and takes them to the librarian. “I’d like to return these please.”

The librarian scans them in, and once they’re done, she turns to me. “Why don’t you browse while I find what I’m looking for?”

“Oh… okay.” I look around. “Have they got anything fun around here?”

“Do you like graphic novels?” she asks. “Come this way.”

I follow her to the shelves she gestures to. “Look at these. I’ll be back in half an hour tops.”

“You sound like you’re mothering me. I’m pretty sure I’m older than you.” I glance at her and then at the shelf. “I’ll be waiting.”

She moves off, and I peruse the shelves. These graphic novels look like comic books. Do I look like a ten-year-old? I open one and scan the page. Not bad. I flip to the front and start reading from the front.

“I’m done. Find anything you want to check out?”

How did time pass so quickly? I glance at my watch. It’s been twenty minutes.

“No, I’m fine. Not really my style,” I say casually. “So why do you like serial killers?” I ask as we walk to the front desk.

She checks her books out, puts them in her bag, and then walks with me outside.

“Why are you interested in kidnapping women for their own good?” she shoots back to me.

I sigh. “I’ve explained this a thousand times to you.”

“And every time I think about it, it doesn’t make any more sense,” she says. “Surely being your wife and spending more time with you puts me at greater risk.”

“Being my wife gives you a level of protection not afforded to anyone else. You’ve already been kidnapped once.” I glower at her, and she frowns.

“Maybe it would have been better if you didn’t save me on that dance floor,” she finally huffs.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have. It would have saved me the pain of constantly trying to prove myself to you,” I snap back.

We start bickering back and forth, and before I know it, we’re home. She climbs out of the car and slams the door, storming inside and presumably up to her room.

I look at Monty. “Let’s go see Danil at Afantasy.”

“Yes, sir,” he says quietly.

“You don’t think I’m doing the right thing by keeping her here?” I ask, looking out the window.

“I’m not paid for my opinions, Mr. Milov. Only my protection.”

Good choice. Don’t get involved, Monty, because I’m irritable and might take your head off.

We arrive at the club, and I straighten my clothes and walk in. Danil is sitting in the VIP section talking to someone. I go to the bar and get a bottle of water before I go sit down next to him.

“Trouble in paradise?” he asks as his guest leaves.

“Kervyn told you,” I comment.

“Of course he did. What kind of idiot are you?” Danil turns to me. “Marriage shouldn’t be on your bingo card, Luka. You’re a playboy.”

“Maybe I want to change,” I say. “Maybe I want a wife.”

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